A field of flowers : Part 2 (Royal AU)

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WC: 7.2k words

Warnings: a kiss scene, profanity, mentions of assualt but nothing too crazy, i think that's it?

Summary: Set in ancient times, the youngest prince of the Royal Family is being pressured to marry a beautiful princess, much to his annoyance. But what happens when an unlikely romance blossoms between a prince and a commoner?


Third person POV:

This was by far one of the most normal days Sasuke had in a while. He woke up as per usual at the same time, nothing was out of the ordinary when getting ready for the day and going to breakfast.

They had all eaten breakfast without a word and once that was finished, Fugaku informed them all about new things that were happening in their village and how Prince Kabuto was using some of his goons to search for a potential partner.

Sasuke and Itachi had given their opinions and statements like always and they all went on with their day.

So then why did Sasuke have a feeling that something had gone terribly wrong?

No one had been acting weirdly or suspiciously at all, everything was in its place, but he still had a feeling that something wasn't right.

Sasuke shook his head, trying to get rid of those thoughts that were only giving him a headache. He had much bigger things to worry about.

How the hell was he going to tell Kaori how he felt?

Sasuke knew that he sucked when it came to emotions and shit, and he also knew that Kaori was the sentimental type and valued emotions a lot.

Fuck this was going be to difficult.

Sasuke sighed at his own predicament as he walked to the training grounds where he was certain Naruto would be.

Because in his mind, the only person who would know how to deal with a hyperactive menace, was another hyperactive menace.

I should really be careful if they ever meet-

"Oh sasuke, heh, what are you doing here?", Naruto asked with a rather nervous smile.

That was odd.

Sasuke and Naruto were best friends. They practically grew up together since they were babies, their parents were great friends, and they were both vigorous rivals.

So it's safe to say that Sasuke knew Naruto and his quirks pretty well. So he learnt that Naruto was a terrible liar.

When Naruto was lying, he would avert his gaze with a strange smile, which is exactly what he was doing now. So there was only one explanation.

He fucked something up.

"What did you do Naruto?", Sasuke asked.

Naruto quickly shook his head, the nervous smile was still etched onto his face.

"What are you talking about Sasuke? I'm just training, i didn't do anything, hehehe," said Naruto.

"Why are you lying to me Naruto? Do you really think you can hide anything from me?"

Naruto's nervous smile was gone and his eyes grew sad. He looked down at the ground in shame as guilt flooded him.

"I-im sorry Sasuke. But I can't tell you, under the orders of Prince Itachi," he muttered quietly.

Sasuke raised his brows in surprise. Itachi ordered him?

"I see, then don't tell me, i don't want you to get into trouble. I'll figure it out myself."

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