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WC : 1.8k words

Sasuke entered the konoha forest and sighed in disbelief and slight annoyance. He was going to have to search this entire forest wasn't he?

See for a reason that Sasuke couldn't comprehend, his lovable and hyperactive (yet adorable) menace of a girlfriend had a knack for wandering deep into forests, for reasons like:

"I saw a squirrel and started chasing it",

or "I saw some really pretty flowers",

or (in his opinion) the most baffling one : "i like to sit on trees and think about what would happen if all the small animals grew huge and revolted against all the humans".

Kaori certainly was an odd thing, but it was clear as day that he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world, well...maybe for a few moments of quiet.

Sasuke chuckled lightly, thinking about the green eyed girl before he heard a voice call out to him from above.

"Whatcha laughing about Sasuke? You know you should smile more, you look very handsome"

He turned up to see Kaori sitting on a branch with her legs dangling, her face was forming a gorgeous smile, that took Sasuke's breath away.

He chose to ignore her second comment as he would only make a fool of himself if he acknowledged it.

"It's nothing. Kaori, will you come down for a second"


She elegantly slid off the branch and landed on the ground, her long brown hair flowing behind her.

Not even wasting a second, she wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her face into his chest, muttering a few words that made Sasuke's heart race.

"I missed you, a lot"

He placed his arm around her, gently stroking her hair.

"I was gone for only a day, you really missed me that much huh?", He asked teasingly.

A light blush dusted Kaori's cheeks before she scoffed.

"Don't try fluster me baka, i can practically hear you heart racing as if you just ran a marathon"

Now it was Sasuke's turn to be flustered.


"Heheh. Anyways what did you need me for?"

She pulled away to look at his face.

Ah right, that.

"Kaori, I-I will leaving Konoha tomorrow"

That caught Kaori completely off guard.

"Leaving? Are you going on a mission?", She asked slowly, a feeling of dread pooling in her stomach as she thought about why he might be leaving Konoha, and her.

"No, I'll be leaving to travel the world, and to atone for my sins"

It was like time had stopped, nobody said a word. Kaori looked down.


"How long will you be gone?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but it'll be a while before I return"


Kaori's gaze remained on her blouse hem as she fidled with it, biting her lower lip, it was a nervous habit and one that Sasuke knew all too well.

Sasuke sighed lightly before calling out.


She didn't look up, instead quietly humming to let him know she was listening.

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