A field of flowers : Part 3

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WC: 8k words

Warnings: A detailed makeout scene lol, profanity i think, if i forgot anything pls let me know.

Summary: Set in ancient times, the youngest prince of the Royal Family is being pressured to marry a beautiful princess, much to his annoyance. But what happens when an unlikely romance blossoms between a prince and a commoner?


Sasuke's POV:

"That's the last of them Sasuke. I don't think there are any more soliders from the Land of Lightning," said Naruto behind me.

The gentle breeze caused my hair to sway to the side as I looked over the battlefield from the mountain. I could feel my wounds throb with pain and a crippling tiredness as the adrenaline wore off.

Dozens of my soldiers had perished, and hundreds were injured, but we won the war. It was finally over.

With a smirk, i turned around and walked up to Naruto who was solemnly looking at the battlefield covered in crimson blood.

"Not bad loser, you did pretty well in the war."

The upset look disappeared from his face and he punched my shoulder with a grin.

"Just admit I did better than you jerk."

We both looked over the bodies covered with white sheets that layed on the ground, completely unmoving.

"Once we return back to the Land of Fire, I'll make sure that the families of everyone who sacrificed themselves for our nation will get an honorary title and compensation. Of course it will never be enough, but it's the least I can do."

Naruto's grin morphed into a proud smile and he slung an arm over my shoulders.

"You know, if i didn't know any better, I would say you're actually not as heartless as you act."

"Shut up."

The sound of a crow grabbed out attention and we both looked up to see a crow flying toward me with a scroll wrapped around it's leg.

A crow only meant one thing. It was Itachi.

The crow landed on my forearm and took off immediately as soon as I removed the scroll. Does he not want any answer then?

That was odd. Usually if someone was checking up on the situation here it would be the King himself with our royal carrier birds. Itachi never sent us orders or follow ups himself. I wonder what he wants.

I quickly unraveled the scroll and began reading with Naruto hovering over my shoulder, trying to read the scroll as well.


Kaori Tsuki, your lover, was captured by that bastard Danzo. I have no idea how he knew that Kaori is your lover, but i believe he may have been informed by Kabuto, who forced Kaori to marry him.

I have been trying my best to negotiate terms with Danzo but he is a stubborn man. Father has forbidden me from going to the dungeons and visiting her.

I urge you to return as quickly as possible and give your insight to release her, after all none of this is either one of your faults.

I apologise Sasuke, as I was the one who advised Kaori to keep her distance, believing that if someone found out, she may be in danger.

However, seeing the way she defended you and stand up to the entire council, made me realise my mistake. You have chosen well Sasuke.

Uchiha Itachi.

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