A promise through lifetimes: Part 1

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WC: 9.5k words

Warnings: mentions of blood, kisses, sexual implications but not explicit, tell me if i forgot anything y'all

Summary: A single promise. Only a few words, but the depth, passion and love behind those words are enough for it to be carried over lifetimes. Such was the intensity of the love held between the Uchiha and the Tsuki.


Part 1: Afraid

Third person POV:

"You've improved Kiyomi, but you still need more practice to ome to my level" said a young boy with brown hair and purple eyeliner who dodged a well timed kick from his oponent.

Kiyomi scoffed at him and continued her barrage of attacks against her friend who effortlessly evaded them all.

Her well kept black hair whipped behind her with each movement, and her dark eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"Well I havent been practicing since I was born like you Indra-sama", Kiyomi saidarcastically as she stopped her attacks for a moment.

The two were now walking in a circle with their eyes locked on one another and hands in a battle stance, they were daring the other to make the first move.

Sudenly the boy named Indra went on the offensive and struck at Kiyomi, catching her off guard.

She managed to block him at the last second but was unfortunately too distracted to notice her foot come up.

Indra kicked her legs, disrupting Kiyomi's balance and she fell onto the hard ground, luckily cushioned by the grass so she wasnt too injured.

Kiyomi looked up with a pout only to find Indra standing above her with a frown and his hands on his hips.

They both had a small glaringcontest for a few seconds before Indra sighed and reached out a hand, silently offering Kiyomi assistance.

She broke out into a grin at his kind attitude and clasped onto his and, but this was Kiyomi after all, and she never accepted a loss.

So she smiled up at him innocently and quickly pulled down the hand that Indra had offered her.

For a split second, Kiyomi could see his eyes widen as he realised his mistake before he fell down next to her with a groan.

Kiyomi burst into laughter and clutched her stomach as tears began lining her eyes from how hard she was laughing. Indra got up from the ground with puffed cheeks as he looked at the girl next to him who was still dying.

Indra huffed and flicked her forehead roughly, irritated at how she was laughing at his expense.

"Owww", grumbled Kiyomi as she covered the spot he had flicked with her hand. The two glared at one another before their charade broke and they shared a laugh together.

Once they both calmed themselves down, Indra looked at Kiyomi with pleading eyes.

"Kiyomi I've told you so many times, stop calling me Indra-sama, I've already given you permission to call me by only my name!", Indra whined with furrowed brows.

"Ehhh i knowww, but okaa-san always scolds me when I do, and besides you're older than me, you're the son of the Sage of the Six paths, and I'm part of the Ninshu group. I'm kind of obliged to call you that," said Kiyomi with a sweatdrop and she raised her hands in surrender.

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