A day to remember - Part I

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WC: 5.2k words

Warning: fluff, maybe a kiss here and there, the ending does get a little bit spicy tho, also this entire chapter is from Sasuke's POV

The beginning of this oneshot takes place before "First Times", the second half takes place after "First Times"

Summary: the fateful day that Sasuke could truly call Kaori his own.

I'm walking through the thick forest in search of my short girlfriend who has once again wandered off somewhere without telling me. I should really rid her of this habit shouldn't i?

I'm completely used to it at this point after travelling the world with her for a few years, I'm 19 and Kaori has just recently turned 18.

The large brown cat resting in my arms began to twist and meow as I kept on walking around searching for Kaori.

"Calm down Ori she'll be around here somewhere"


I simply sighed and called out for Kaori, who yelled out a response, signalling where she was.

I approached a clearing in the woods where Kaori was standing, with an unusually bothered look on her face. Her normal mischievous grin and gleam in her eyes that I was used to was no longer there, instead replaced by a storm brewing in her bright green eyes, as she chewed on her bottom lip.

She was simply staring at the ground before her, lost in her own thoughts she didn't even hear me approach her. What's going on?

Seeing the girl, Ori quickly lept out of my arms and ran to Kaori. The cat nuzzled up to her legs and purred, trying to get her attention but to no avail. I deadpanned at that furballs blatant favouritism.

"Kaori it's so obvious that you're her favourite"

"That's not trueeee, tell him it isn't true Ori"

The once tiny cat had now grown quite big and was bundled up in Kaori's arms. It merely blinked at sasuke before pushing it's face closer to Kaori's neck and purring in content.

Not true my ass.

Even so, I'm very concerned.

My lover was standing with her side facing me, and head slightly bowed, not even sparing me a glance as I got closer.

I put a hand on her shoulder and called out in an effort to bring her back.


As if she had been snapped back to reality, she looked up at my worried face with a jerk before relaxing slightly as she realised it was just me.

"Sasuke, when did you come here?", She breathed out.

"I've been here for a while, you didn't notice me?"

She shook her head before looking down again.

I've had enough of her vague answers and behaviour.

I went directly in front of her and placed my hand on her chin, raising it up so that my eyes met hers.

"What is it? What's wrong?", I asked as I tucked a strand of her long brown hair that had gone astray behind her ear.

Kaori said nothing but allowed a small smile to grace her features as she looked around.

"This seems familiar doesn't it? Except things are different now"

I thought about it for a moment and realise it's true. They had both once stood in the woods in the exact same position with the same looks on both of our faces, mine in concern and hers in discomfort.

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