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WC: 9.1k words

Warnings: ANGSTTTTT PEOPLEEE, it turns to fluff tho so dw. Uhhh I'm not too sure, I'll add stuff ltr.

Summary: Kaori, Sasuke and Hikaru, their first born son are living in Konoha. They are a very happy family, but even the happiest couples have squabbles here and there.


Third person POV:

Sasuke awoke from his slumber due to the morning light shining in from the windows. Both he and Kaori had forgotten to close the blinds since they were preoccupied with... other things.

Sasuke had planned on sleeping in for a little longer than usual since it was a weekend, but looks like fate had other plans.

He turned over under the covers and sprawled out his arms, searching for his wife who should've been asleep.

After a while or groping around the sheets he looked up to find Kaori, he looked up to pinpoint her location, but let out a groan once he realised she wasn't in bed.

He just wanted to kiss her pretty lips and go back to sleep dammit.

Sasuke was about to go right back to bed when a sound of quiet giggles and laughter caught his attention.

Sasuke felt a small smile grow on his face at the sound but didn't bother hiding or suppressing it at all, since it was only his family there.

He eagerly tore off the bedsheets and sat up, wanting to see his wife and son. Sasuke glanced around the bedroom in search of his shirt that he had flung off yesterday night, but to frown a little when it wasn't in sight.

Eh whatever going shirtless wasn't such a horrible decision.

He slowly walked out of their shared bedroom and towards the nursery as the sound of two people grew louder and louder.

Sasuke pushed the door open slightly and peered into the room.

Kaori was sitting on the soft, brown rocking chair that looked (and was) very comfortable, with a large smile on her face as she looked down at someone that was bundled up in her arms.

In her arms was a baby who was enthusiastically babbling up at his mother. Sasuke's gaze softened as he looked at Kaori playing with their 3 month old son, Hikaru.

He also noticed that she was wearing one of his shirts that was way to big on her. Interestingly enough, it was the same shirt he had threw on the floor last night.

Well that made sense.

She had still not noticed his presence since she was too busy with gently stroking Hikaru's soft cheeks. Sasuke entered the room and slipped behind the chair. He placed a hand on Kaori's shoulders, causing her to look up at him with her mesmerizing smile.

"Good morning Sasuke!"


He placed a sweet kiss on her forehead to wish her a good morning in return. He took Hikaru from Kaori's arms and held him in his own. Hikaru must've noticed that it was his father, since he began giggling and squealing as Sasuke gently pressed their foreheads together.

This was Sasuke's way of showing love to his son.

"Do you have work today?"

Kaori who had gotten out of the chair, decided to stand in front of Sasuke at the perfect position to play with Hikaru and talk to Sasuke at the same time.

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Good, that means we'll be able to spend more time together as a family. We both missed you a lot this week."

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