Sasuke Shinden : Part 3

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WC: 5k words

Warnings: A kiss, blood, exploding ppl, if i forgot anything pls remind me lol.

Summary: Sasuke and Kao are once again traveling after a very brief stay in Konoha after their wedding. Then they get a message from Konoha that exploding humans have been spotted.


Third person POV:

"What is that?", the commentator asked in confusion.

Everyone in the stadium locked their gazes onto the man who had just fallen off the balcony. He stood up menacingly, revealing his appearance which caused gasps of shock from the crowd to fill the area.

The man had a large cut down his face which was dripping blood. The horrifying part was that the blood began bubbling and created a giant black sphere around him.

Sasuke and Kaori's eyes widened with realisation at the familiar sight. Kaori leaped down from the stands, completely ignoring Orochimaru's warnings as she formed hand signs while still in the air.

"Get away from him!", Sasuke yelled at the commentator.

Just as Kaori completed the final hand sign her feet touched the ground and suddenly, hundreds of thick vines grabbed onto the man, making him unable to move.

Sasuke realised Kaori must've used her Kekkei Genkai and he ran closer to the exploding human and activated his sharingan.

Within seconds the man fell down to the ground before any explosion could take place. Kaori who had landed behind him, walked up to stand beside Sasuke and they both looked at each and communicated wordlessly.

"How surprising, Sasuke used his sharingan to save someone else. Kaori and the other Konoha shinobi's presence must've changed him a lot," Orochimaru whispered to himself with a smirk.

A loud scream echoed throughout the stadium and everyone snapped their gazes to the place where the sound came from.

Another person with glowing red eyes and a bubbling wound stood up, and then another, and another, and even more people stood up.

Sasuke and Kaori looked around the coliseum. Sasuke gritted his teeth while Kaori clenched her fists, there were too many exploding humans for the two of them!

"Leave one of them to me! I can't save them but i can lessen the damage," shouted Yamato as he quickly used his woodstyle to take care of an exploding human beside him.

"How bothersome," said Orochimaru.

The sannin who had been merely spectating, decided to join the fight and used his snakes to trap one of the exploding humans near him.

Both of them safely exploded inside their cages and Kaori's eyes lit up at the sight. A thought entered a mind that it wasn't just her and Sasuke, making a small smile appear.

With a determined look, Kaori quickly formed hand signs and her blue green eyes narrowed onto an exploding human a few feet away from her.

"Leaf style: blooming Lotus!", She called out, and right on que, a large pink Lotus emerged from the growd and swallowed the exploding human, who exploded inside the flower with a thud.

Sasuke was about to go and help out her when he noticed a chakra signature moving fast toward Kaori, which she unfortunately didn't realise since her concentration was solely on modling her chakra.

Sasuke responded quickly by grabbing her wrist and pulling Kaori out of the path of the chakra infused dagger.

They both jumped backwards just in time as the dagger exploded as soon as it hit the ground.

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