A night to remember - part II (Smut)

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WC: 3.3k (i can't believe i wrote so many words of pure smut help)

Warning: ⚠️SMUT⚠️, minors DNI, sasuke being a dom, mention of virginity, no usage of condoms (stay safe y'all), this chapter is pure smut.

What is wrong with me😭.

Summary: The night of their wedding, Sasuke and Kaori take a major step in their relationship.

Third person pov:

Sasuke cuped her face in one of his hands as the other rested against her waist and he connected their lips.

It was like a fire had begun burning in Kaori's mind and body, desperately wanting for more to keep the fire going longer.

Their tongues and teeth clashed together in a dance as Sasuke led the girl to lie down on the large bed. He pulled away from her captivating lips, but not without tugging on them gently with his teeth, and looked down at his wife.

She was panting slightly from their kiss, her long hair was spread out around her head, as if it was a halo for a beautiful angel. Her lips were swollen and pink from how heavily sasuke had kissed her, and the sleeve of her pure white shiromuku had fallen off her right shoulder, exposing her white bra strap.

Sasuke's breath hitched at the sight as he hovered over her, carefully using his arms to make sure he didn't crush her.

He ran one of his fingers up her collar bone to the necklace he had given her, which only darkened his gaze with possessiveness.

She was his, and only his.

"Are you enjoying yourself Mrs.Uchiha?", He asked her slyly with a smirk as her face became flushed.

"Um, yeah I am. It's my first time, I'm nervous"

At her words a genuine smile overtook sasuke's sharp features as his gaze softened. He picked her lips affectionately and looked directly into her eyes.

"I know, I'll be slow so don't worry okay? If it's too much for you at anytime I want you to tell me. Do you trust me?"

She didn't pull away from his gaze as she answered without a single drop of hesitation.

"I trust you"

The wall on his restraint had started to crack.

He began placing kisses on Kaori's neck and pushed the sleeves of her shiromuku further down on both arms until it was fully gone, leaving the girl in her underwear.

Sasuke sucked on a sensitive spot on her neck that made Kaori gasp in surprise, and she let out a small sound as he bit down.

This was the farthest they had ever gone, but that was about to change.

He reached behind her and undid her bra clasps with ease, letting them fall down, exposing her breasts to him.

He got up from her neck to look at her fully. Her breasts weren't very big, but she wasn't completely flat either, in fact sasuke thought they were quite cute.

Kaori looked up sasuke only to find his attention completely on her chest. Feeling flustered she quickly brought up her arms to cover herself as she turned her head to the side.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are u disappointed?"

At her baffling words Sasuke let out a deep chuckle, surprising the girl.

"No you idiot. I'm admiring how beautiful they are, so be a good girl and take your hands away so I can see them"

Her eyes widened as her blush grew so much that even the tips of her ears were becoming red. Kaori wanted to be a good girl for him, so she let her hands drop back to her sides.

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