First times

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WC : 2.2k
Warning : steamy, neck kissing, no smut

Summary : sasuke decided Kaori needs a little push to be fully comfortable with intimacy.

Sasuke was the person who gave many of Kaori's firsts. He was her first true love, her first boyfriend, her first kiss and many more.

It was no secret that the two had a strong affection for each other. Kao had never given up on sasuke even in his darkest times (okay maybe she did a little at times) which led to the pair having full trust and confidence in one another.

That being said, there were certain parts of their relationship that needed more time and fully develop, one of those being traditional intimacy.

It wasn't sasuke however, who was timid toward the prospect, but Kaori herself.

Their first kiss had been very sweet and innocent, not steamy or sexual at all. It was a way to communicate their love for each other. In fact, it was sasuke who initiated their first kiss, to prove that he regretted his actions, and endlessly loved Kaori.

After that it had all been gentle touches and soft kisses under the moonlight or cuddling together under the tall trees. Until sasuke had tried to go a little further but to no avail.


Sasuke was leaning on the side of the tree with his head pressed up against the bark as he felt his hands being lifted up from kao's waistline. The girl gently played with his fingers before she intertwined them with her own, and leaned back further nuzzling into his neck.


Kao, hearing sasuke, got up slightly and turned around to face the onyx eyed boy, she layed her hands on his chest just above his heart.

"What is it sasuke?

She looked deeply into his eyes as he stared back into hers. He allowed a small smile to appear on his face.

"Nothing, i just wanted to see you"

Kaori blinked a few times before breaking out into a fit of giggles, consumed by adoration for the boy in front of her.

"Tsk stop laughing"

"I can't help it you're so cute sometimes"

Sasuke rolled his eyes at the girl still giggling with her eyes closed and those adorable dimples exposed. Sasuke decided there was only one way to get her to shut up.

He quickly placed his mouth against hers and moved it softly. It took Kaori a few seconds to process what was happening, but she soon melted into the kiss, their mouths moving in sync.

Now their positions had changed. Kaori was sitting against the tree and while sasuke hovered over her smaller figure. She wound her arms around his neck, making contact with his black hair as he placed his hands on her waist.

He wanted more.

He started trailing light kisses down her jawline and eventually reached her neck where he peppered a few kisses, only to be stopped by a breathless Kaori pulling away slightly.

"Wait sasuke, I'm not really used to this intimacy. Do you mind if we take things a bit slower?"

Sasuke smiled at the girl, he wouldn't force her into anything she would feel uncomfortable with, her would be patient with her.

"Of course love"

He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before laying down on the grass, his head resting on Kao's lap.

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