Fluff alphabet

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A - Affection (how do they show affection?)

Sasuke doesn't show much affection to Kaori usually, but when he does he likes to do it in the form of doing some works for her, and just spending some time with her in general. Sasuke's love language are acts of service and quality time.

Kaori loves giving and showing affection to sasuke every second. Hugging him from behind, giving him neck kisses when they cuddle together on the couch. Kaori's love languages are physical touch and quality time.

B - Babe (what are nicknames they have for each other)

Sasuke isn't a fan of weird or very cheesy nicknames. He would never call Kaori as "Kao" or "Kao-chan" like everyone else. He just loves the way her name sounds on his lips, probably says it every once in a while just for fun. He calls her "love" mostly and occasionally calls her "dear". Though on every letter he sends when he is travelling or not at home, he always starts it off with "my dearest Kaori".

Kaori is in the middle with nicknames. She like calling him "suke" once in a while. If she wants to irritate or provoke him then it's "duckbutt", even if he doesn't have the hairstyle.
Though much like sasuke she sticks to "love" or just his name.
(Sometimes calls him sasuke-sama in bed but this is a fluff alphabet so shh)

C - Cuddle (do they like cuddles? Whos mor cudlier, how do they cuddle?)

As mentioned before one of Kaori's love languages is physical touch, so she loves cuddling.
Sasuke was sceptical as first about cuddling, but when he felt Kaori's small body curl into him for the first time he couldn't resist.

Cuddles are now mandatory. Mostly it'll be on the bed but occasionally Kaori will be sitting on the couch reading a book and sasuke will lay his head on her lap as she strokes his hair.

If it's on the bed then usually Kaori will be laying her head on his chest as his arm is either stroking her hair and wresting on her waist.

D - Daddy (does he get along with Kaori's parents and siblings?)

As mentioned before Kaori has 2 siblings that are twins, kasumi and kotaru, they're about 7 years younger than Kaori and are absolute menaces.

Every time sasuke comes over Kaori has to make sure they aren't caught in any trap when trying to get to her room, but usually Kao does her trapped in some kind of prank while sasuke just teases her.

(He definitely assists Kasumi and Kotaru occasionally)

Now with her parents, sasuke is literally the biggest gentleman ever, i mean he has to win them over somehow right?

Kaori's mother was quick to forgive sasuke for the things he's done, but her father was much more hesitant, he only approved after Sasuke officially asked for Kaori's hand in marriage.

E - Earful (how talkative are they both about their relationship)

Sasuke generally doesn't bring up their relationship unless necessary since he likes this privacy and intimacy. He does sometimes talk to Naruto about Kaori and very rarely asks Kakashi for dating advice.

Kaori usually agrees when this, but she can't help but ramble about how adorable or infuriating sasuke was at times to Hinata.

F - Flirt (do they flirt with each other)

The only girl sasuke will ever flirt with is Kaori. And when i say flirt, i mean flirt Hard. Dude is legit so smooth at times to the point that it completely baffles Kaori.

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