Sasuke Shinden : Part 1

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WC: 3.2k words.

Warnings: Exploding humans, Fluff heh, a couple of sexual references, i guess a teeny bit of angst?? Kao and Sasuke being the best married couple in town.

Summary: Sasuke and Kao are once again traveling after a very brief stay in Konoha after their wedding. Then they get a message from Konoha that exploding humans have been spotted.

Note: this takes place after my oneshot "a day to remember", this arc happens around 2 months after their wedding (they stayed in Konoha for less than a month due to safety reasons).


Sasuke was sitting on the soft ground that was convered in damp grass due to the earlier drizzling.

He was propped up against the side of a tree, under the shade of the large leaves as he silently nibbled on the delicious Onigiri that Kaori had made for the two of them.

Thinking about his feisty wife caused his eyes to grow soft as he couldn't help but wonder where had she gone off to.

She had told him that her and and Ori would be gone for around five minutes just to stock up on some flowers while they were there, but it had been almost 10 minutes, and there was no sign of either of them.

So where the hell were they?

Sasuke was just finishing up on his lunch, there were only a few more handfulls of rice in his hand when the sound of a cat caught his attention.

He looked down to see a small black cat meowing up at him.

Kaori was right, he really had a soft spot for cats didn't he?

Sasuke placed some rice on the ground, watching contently as the little feline gobbled it up, before more and more cats began emerging from the woods.

Sasuke sighed before throwing all of his remaining rice to the hopeful cats and watched on, thinking about Ori as they hungrily ate the rice.

A moment later, sasuke felt a familiar presence and saw a big fluffy brown creature cuddle up to him. It was Ori.

He ran his fingers through the cats thick fur soothingly before asking her:

"Where's Kaori?"

Ori looked up at and gave a loud meow before closing her eyes and laying on Sasuke's lap, to which the latter merely rolled his eyes.

If that woman didn't appear in front of him within the next five-


He stood up abruptly, causing Ori to hiss a little, before she layed on the grass and fell asleep.

Sasuke turned his gaze to the trees, where he could make out a short figure running up to him with a scroll.

"Sasuke, look this was sent by Sai, it's from Konoha!"

Sasuke raised a brow curiously before taking the scroll from her hands and reading it himself.

To Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Kaori,

I hope you are all doing well, Kao, Sasuke and Ori. Its been awhile since you guys visited Konoha. I've sent this scroll to inform you that there has been a number of missing leaf shinobi, only for them to return as exploding humans. Your missions are to find information on these exploding humans, and aid the leaf village in figuring out who the culprit is, preferably by visiting the village first. I have attached a scroll with the information we have gotten so far related to this mission. Good luck,

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