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— LIAM —

The inky waters of the lake rippled with a gust of wind. Orange and gold leaves took flight, spinning and pirouetting through the brisk air.

I admired the view and solitude for a moment as I descended the back steps to an outdoor patio. Perched on one of the loungers was the center of my universe, the sun around which my life orbited.

A smile automatically occupied my face at the sight of her wavy golden tresses and the pale moonlight reflecting from her bare thighs. My mouth watered at the divine scene before me.

My footsteps slowed with each pace I drew nearer. The moment her round bump could be seen, the force of two heartbeats throbbed in my ears.

I knelt beside her chair. Venice jumped at first, letting out a small shriek before her face lit up with a smile.

"One coconut water for my lady," I said, presenting her with a margarita glass that reeked of coconut. A pink straw rested against the rim.

"My goodness," she beamed. "What first-class service. Thank you."

"You're welcome." I placed a hand on her bare, protruding belly. "Only the best for my girls."

Giggling, she wrapped her lips around the straw and drank with slow, calm sips. I watched her every movement with avid fascination.

If I thought I was obsessed with her before, she had me wrapped around each little finger of her hands and the ones forming in her womb. I enjoyed watching her do the small, mundane things, like getting dressed, napping, or doing dishes.

My wife was always irresistible, but the pregnancy glow made everything she did entertainment for me.

They were my entire world now. Our baby still had some time to go before we could expect her, but I knew already I would never love anything more than her and her mother.

"Delicious," Venice stated with a satisfied groan. She shifted on the lounger and adjusted her blanket around her lap. "Thank you, honey. That was perfect."

"I was going to start on dinner soon," I said, splaying a palm across her protruding abdomen. "Are you ready to come inside?"

She sighed a bit morosely and nodded. "The sun sets earlier and earlier now. I hate it."

"I know. The days will become long again in no time, though."

I took her blanket and helped her to her feet. She tottered unevenly for a second as she usually did. Once she was steadied, I draped the blanket around her shoulders and pecked her lips. Her skin was cold to the touch.

Frowning, I tucked her into my side and guided her toward the steps. "You shouldn't stay out here so long when it's this cold," I muttered.

She turned her face away but I still saw her eyes roll. I pinched her ass and she yelped, jumping away from me. Snickering, I tugged her closer.

"That's what you get for rolling your eyes," I said. My palm cupped her round backside and rubbed it over her clothes more gently now. "You know what happens when you give me attitude."

My protective tendencies had gone a bit overboard since we found out the IUI treatment worked and she was pregnant. I couldn't help but fuss over her health and wellness; I loved her too much to leave her alone. She was independent, though, and occasionally liked to make it known I was being too much with a bratty remark, eye roll, or denial of kisses.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like a little spice from her now and then. She certainly kept me on my toes.

"I have you to warm me up!" she retorted with a smirk. "Besides, I think Vivienne rather likes the cold."

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