Superior Species

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I flew upright with a gasp. My eyes sprang open and I looked around in a panic.

All I could remember were a pair of big ass fangs and Liam's eyes clouding over a foggy black color.

I didn't recognize where I was at first but I was alone. Then, as if hearing my thoughts, Liam appeared in the threshold between the living room and kitchen.

"You're awake," he said but made no move to approach me.

My heart crawled into my throat. "What did you do to me?"

His brows knit together. "Nothing. You fainted."

I took a deep breath and blew it out. Did that really happen, or am I hallucinating shit now?

I blinked and Liam was suddenly seated beside me on the couch. I jumped up so fast that I tripped over the coffee table and landed flat on my back on the rug.

"Easy," he told me. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

Pushing myself up onto my elbows, I studied his face. He looked totally normal now, completely human.

"You . . . have fangs," I said slowly.

He blinked. "Yes, I have retractable canines."

"And you growl . . ."

"Yes. That is also true."

"So, are you human . . . ?"

His tongue darted out to wet his lips. "It's complicated."

"You're a . . . v-vampire," I stuttered out.

I couldn't help it. This whole thing was so ridiculous. Absolutely preposterous.

Liam said nothing but his gaze remained serious.

"Vampires don't exist," I said. "It's not physically possible. I remember high school biology."

He leaned forward, extending a hand toward me. "Let me help you up."

My heart rate spiked as I chuckled anxiously. "No, it's okay. I'm fine down here."

He frowned.

"How long was I out?" I asked, more for a lack of anything else to say.

"Five minutes or so."

I relaxed a little. That was better than the multiple hours I'd assumed had passed.

Still, I'd probably spent more time here than I should. Marvin was bound to march over here sooner than later, and that was a shit storm I did not care to witness.

"I should probably go," I said and pushed myself up to my feet.

Liam rose fluidly to stand as well. I watched him, my heart pounding, while I tried to gauge him.

Was he going to snatch me up and eat me? My thighs quivered at the thought.

I mentally admonished myself for such a ridiculous response. How a man could be sexually attractive to me after I just discovered he has fucking retractable canines was beyond me.

"We need to finish our conversation first," he said.

I nibbled on my lip and looked away. Was that code for 'I'm gonna suck your blood?'

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