The Deal

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— LIAM —

"Where are you going?" Eleanor asked, her voice raspy with sleep.

She stretched and flexed her exposed arms and legs. Her pajamas consisted of a bra and underwear. I stopped asking her to put on clothes when I realized she wouldn't comply regardless of what I did or said.

Ignoring her, I kicked aside the pillows and blanket I'd slept with on the floor to access the mirror. I combed through my hair with a hand and rubbed my stubbled cheeks. I needed a comb and a shave, but those were luxuries I'd have to go without.

My eyes scanned my reflection in the mirror, taking in the black t-shirt, sweatpants, and trainers provided by the King Alpha. It seemed casual, but I assumed this outfit had something to do with the activities we'd be participating in today.

The next several hours could pass in any number of ways. As much as I would have preferred escaping last night, we had no choice but to stay. The Princeps probably had armed guards waiting for us to leave pack territory. I had no doubt they would hunt us down and kill us if only to make a point.

I tried to focus on a positive outcome—a result that would get me and Venice out of here and into safety. While I didn't understand why the King Alpha invited us to stay, I couldn't deny the potential benefit of having more time.

"Have you been listening to anything I've said?"

I turned at Eleanor's scoff and saw her standing beside the bed, arms folded with a scowl. She had at least covered herself with a shirt, though I frowned at seeing it was the one I'd slept in.

"I'm going down," I said and walked toward the door.

"Wait!" She ran at me and lifted her hand, presumably to grab my arm.

I anticipated the movement and stepped to the side, just beyond her reach. "Do not touch me," I hissed.

Her nostrils flared as she forced out an indignant breath. "As I said, you do realize we have to participate in the activities together, don't you? You have to wait for me so we can go down at the same time."

"No, we're not."

"Their activities for mates," she stated. "Whether you like it or not, that includes us."

"No, it doesn't, and no, we're not," I repeated, eyes narrowing. "I rejected you."

"That's bullshit." She rolled her crystalline irises. "You were born for me and I was born to be with you. You belong to me, Liam."

Leveling her batted eyelashes with a glare, I walked to the door. "I am here for business. Stay out of my way, Eleanor."

A growl erupted behind me as I grabbed the doorknob.

"Would you like me to humiliate you in front of the King Alpha?" she snapped. "Do you really want to cause a scene?"

I faced her with a glower. "Your threats don't scare me. You're just getting on my nerves now."

Her eyes turned flat and flinty. The wheels were turning in her brain and I could tell the moment she caught an idea. A devious smirk curled at her lips.

"How about the poor human girl, hmm?" she asked, tilting her head and flashing a pouty frown. The wave of silken white hair slid over her collarbone and draped around the swell of her breast. "I can humiliate her just as easily."

"You will stay away from her," I snapped. "She has nothing to do with you."

"Is that so? Because you seem a lot more interested in her pussy than mine and I'm your goddamn mate!"

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