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I woke up with a yawn. Pain ripped up the backs of my legs and the insides of my thighs.

As I moved to turn, I realized it was more than just my legs. The entire lower half of my body ached in protest of any kind of movement.

Memories of last night flooded the forefront of my mind. Ghost hands wandered my body, invisible lips littering my skin with kisses.

Gasping, I sat upright and looked to the other side of the bed. The sheets were rumpled but Liam was nowhere to be seen.

I pressed a hand to my mouth, biting my knuckles. Part of me was in shock that I had given away part of myself so willingly to him.

I always thought I'd wait until I was in love to have sex for the first time. I just didn't see the point in sharing something so personal with someone who would just leave without a second thought.

The other part of me felt overwhelmed with giddiness. It was way to early to know if I loved Liam yet, but I liked him a lot. I was attracted to him a lot. And I trusted him more than I ever trusted anyone.

I had no regrets sharing my body with him. I certainly had no regrets familiarizing myself with his, either.

The man was even more gorgeous under all his clothes and his cock was a magic wand. He was built like a fucking god.

My cheeks filled with heat as I remembered all the things Liam said and did. He was so gentle and doting. Every touch felt intentional and filled with care.

I felt empowered and sexy and feminine. He made me feel good in my body and about all the things my body could do.

I pushed the covers off of me and sat up on my elbows. A spattering of blood smeared across the sheets.

Biting my lip, I felt my cheeks warm. We ruined the sheets!

My head snapped up at the sound of the door opening. Liam stepped into the room, his face strung up in a smile.

I instinctively jerked the sheets up to my neck. A meek smile flits across my lips.

"Good morning, love," he greeted. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." I grimaced, biting my lip as I shifted on my sore ass. "A little sore, but very good."

He chuckled and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. "I would be surprised if you weren't sore, frankly."

He leaned down and captured my lips. Heat rushed down my body, stirring my aching core.
Moaning against my mouth, he pulled back to stare into my eyes.

"Come shower with me," he pleaded.

I cleared my throat and ran my fingers through my tangled hair. I probably looked like a wreck.

"I don't know if I can get up," I murmured, a chagrined blush heating my face.

One of his eyebrows quirked. "I can carry you."

"Okay," I squeaked.

Liam pushed the covers back and exposed all of my naked bits. I slapped my arms over my chest on instinct.

His eyes took their time trailing up to my face. Our gazes locked. The darker flecks of gold swirling in his eyes pricked into my core.

My body temperature spiked as my breathing hitched. I shivered.

Liam slid one arm under my knees and the other behind my back. In one move, he scooped me up and held me against his chest.

I relaxed into him like jello. My nose crinkled at the metallic smell of blood clinging to his t-shirt.

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