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After we picked out new clothes and Liam doused me in a bottle of floral body spray, he led me to the customer service counter.

The older woman behind the register smiled instantly upon seeing Liam. She started bagging the items we placed on the counter without even scanning them.

I stole a furtive glance at Liam but he seemed unfazed.

"Y'all doing alright?" she asked sweetly.

He flashed her a charming smile that turned my insides gooey. Blushing, I looked down at the floor.

"We're hanging in here. I appreciate you, Michelle."

"Of course, baby. Always happy to help a friend in need."

My head lifted at the pet name and a swell of unwarranted heat washed through me. Was this . . . jealousy? I felt instant shame.

I had no right to be jealous of Liam. Not to mention, this woman was saving our asses.

Nevertheless, I found myself skeptically glancing her over and imagining if there could've been a time when Liam and she were together. She was beautiful for an older woman and I wasn't one to judge, but the idea didn't sit right with me.

I jumped at the warmth of Liam's hand skating across my lower back. My gaze darted up to his and found him smirking.

A darker blush tinted my cheeks as I looked away again.

"Here you go, honey," she said, handing us the bags. "Y'all stay safe out there, alright?"

"Thanks again. We'd be hopeless without you."

The woman chuckled. "Don't flatter me, handsome. Y'all go on now."

Neither of us exchanged a word as he led me back to the restrooms. We changed into our new clothes and met again outside.

We walked out of Walmart and Liam headed directly toward a black Ford Fusion parked in the fire lane. Liam nodded at the driver before opening the backseat and ushering me inside.

While he climbed into the passenger seat, my eyes flicked forward and noticed a head of long, chocolate-brown hair gelled into place.

"Didn't expect you to come yourself," Liam remarked.

The driver looked over at him and I noticed the man looked young. My gaze flickered between him and Liam.

"I happened to be nearby," the man answered. There was a lilt to his words that intrigued me and made me want to hear more.

"Well, thank you. We've been in dire straits."

They clearly knew each other. Who was this guy? Maybe a friendly vampire?

The idea of being trapped in the car with another vampire made my pulse jump. Liam slightly turned his head towards me as if he noticed.

"I am only paying down on the gift you gave me long ago," the stranger spoke lowly. His accent was still too faint for me to recognize. "Did Michelle give you everything you needed?"

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