✨teachers at my school and their reaction to my allergies ✨

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I can't eat nuts, they make me drop dead, and eggs make me throw up 99% of the time.

French teacher: *tries to feed me a macaroon*

Me: I'm allergic

Her: you'll be fine just eat it

Me: no

Her: well I'm going to give it to Isabel

Me: ok, she likes them more then me anyway

Then she continued to try to get me to eat it and when I didn't she got really mad.

Science teacher:

(Keep in mind he's a biology/ science teacher)

So background info, I had just come from cooking when I had "accidentally" eaten a peanut butter cookie (don't judge, I wanted to know what happens)

So I walked in, and couldn't breathe very well, but of course, because the universe hates me, it was a non verbal day, so I had to sign to my friend I had eaten peanuts and felt really sick. We shall call my friend Jessica (not even close to her name but oh well)

Jessica: excuse me Mr R, alex ate peanuts and she needs to go to student services (the nurses office)

Mr R: No, sit back down Jessica, alex will be fine

Me: *blinks and tries to breathe*

Mr R: see! She's fine!

Jessica: she literally can not breathe or speak right now

Mr R: back in my day (I kid you not he really said that) kids didn't have allergies, they just sucked it up. Allergies aren't real anyway.

Jessica: but alex is turning blue

Mr R: sit down Jessica!

Me: *falls off stool and passes out* (we have kinda stool things that are elevated so it really hurt when I woke up)

Cooking teacher:

She literally refused to let me any where near anything that could have touched nuts, including the knives and other kitchen stuff

It was annoying. I failed cooking though.

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