things I say that probably sound very Australian

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ok, I've been meaning to do this one for weeks, but I blame my long list of problems (ADHD, dyslexia, and so on) so here's some things I say that probably sound weird to other people.

"Bloody oath"


"bogan" (i say this a lot, do you guys know what i mean when i say it?)

"she'll be right" 

"chuck a sickie" (me and my friends say this a lot)

"smoko" (comment what you think it means, no googling it!! and no australians answering it)

"bikkie" (just a cookie)



"bloke" (or shelia, both are super bogan)

"bottle-o" (liquor store)


"chuck a darkie"

"a dag" (you would say it like "oh, hes dressed like a dag")





"Macca's" (its not cute when i say it!!! even the ads for it call it maccas)

"mozzie" (unrealed, but i swear mozzies come from WA to bite me, im always covered in bites from them)

"mushie" (mushroom)



"esky" (please tell me other countries call it this)

"youse" (i know, its so bad!! imagine me saying to my friends "youse lot better listen up" it so bad)

ok, comment what you don't know/the weirdest one :)

have a great day/night


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