✨school lockdowns✨

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TW: talks of threatening to shoot/kill people

so, Australia doesn't have as much gun violence as other places in the world, but my school got a bomb threat or a shooter threat at least once a year. 

so, in prep (about 4-5 y/o) I was at OSHC (outside school hours care) and then the lockdown music comes on and were all like oh shit because we were four and didn't know anything. then this teacher comes running and starts whispering to another teacher, the oldest non-teacher in the room we were in was 11 and no one knew what was happening, then this other teacher runs into the room, slams shut the door and locks it, starts shutting all the blinds and windows. then he turns and tells us all to be quiet and get under the tables. the tables were from the Kindy, so no one fit under them and the room we were in had two toilet cubicles behind a wall, so the teachers somehow squished about 23 children and three adults into these tiny rooms. then this siren starts blaring from outside, no one knew what was happening until an hour later, when we find out that a gun man had broken into the school, armed with a shot gun. he ran but was caught a bit later by the police.

then two years later i was having a "moment" (a meltdown) and the lockdown song starts blaring over the pa, which did not help at all. i had to hide in a closet (ironic, yes) for TWO HOURS just for it to be a false alarm. I HAD A LEGO DIGGING INTO MY LEG FOR TWO HOURS. this fully grown man decided that it would be funny to call all the schools in the area and say that he was going to come kill kids.

a year later, I went to the bathrooms that don't have PAs so I didn't hear the fucking BOMB THREAT and walk out to an abandoned school. you know what smart little Alex did? HE FUCKING WALKED HOME. (it's fine, I lived a two-minute walk from the school), but the teachers couldn't find me and panicked, I got in huge trouble for that.

then in my last year of primary school (11 y/o) we had a lock down on the last day of school and didn't get home until 6pm. 

sorry, you can really tell I lost interest while writing this, I'm really tired and can't focus right now. I'll fix it as soon as I can.

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