The Point of no return

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The Phantom got on stage, and he started singing. Jasmine was sitting facing down.  "You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge. In pursuit of that which till now has been silent. Silent. I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge. In your mind you've already succumbed to me. Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me. Now you are here with me, no second thoughts. You've decided, decided." Jasmine looked at him and stood up. They started to walking towards each other as the Phantom continues. "Past the point of no return. No backward glances. The games we played till now are at an end. Past all thought of "If" or "when". There is no using resisting. Abandon thought and let the dream descend." 

He then grabs her in a seductive way. Her eyes close as her head stretch up and he's caressing her neck. "What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us." He then takes her arm all the way to her hand. Given her a gentle kiss. Madame Lesch and Raoul are watching this. 

"Past the Point of no return. The final threshold" he let her go and she stood there facing the audience. The Phantom continues to look at her. "What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn. Beyond the Point of no return?" 

Facing the audience and looking up to Raoul and the managers, she sang "You have brought me to that moment where words run dry. To that moment where speech disappears into silence. Silence. I have come here. Hardly knowing the reason why. In my mind I've already imagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent." Up where the managers were, the police showed up. Jasmine turned and faced the Phantom with her decision. "Now I am here with you, no second thoughts. I've decided." she walked up to him, gasping his hands and looking into his eyes. Feeling hypnotized by the sound of his voice as he started to take over her again. Her mind and body are once again no longer hers alone. The same feeling, she felt when he first brought her to his lair and letting him to have his way with her and then at the cemetery when she once again let whatever he wanted to do to her happened. She smiled at him, and her heart started to race. This is her Phantom. The one person she is destined to be with and have chosen him. There is no turning back now. 

"Our passion play has now at last begun. Past all thought of right or wrong." she walks up the stairs to meet her Phantom. "One final question. How long should we two waits before we're one? When will the blood begin to race? The sleeping bud bursts into bloom. When will the flames at last consumes us?" 

They face each other and sing "Past the point of return. The final threshold." Jasmine made it to the Phantom's arms, and he spun her around into his embrace. "The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn. We've passed the point of no return." 

Raoul shed a tear. Rachel and her mother watched. 

As he was corrasing her neck he spoke "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude." You could hear sadness behind his voice as he continues "Say you want me with you here, beside you." he turned her to face him.  "Anywhere you go, let me go, too. Jasmine, that's all I ask of you." Then she takes off his mask and everyone started screaming. The police and Raoul started to chase after him. He grabbed Jasmine and made his escape. He crashed the Chandelier and took off with her. 

The Diva found her beloved Piangi dead. "Oh my God! No, Piangi. my love" she cried. 

"Oh my God, we're ruined, Andre, ruined!" freaked Framin. 

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