Chapter Two- The Fellowship is formed pt2

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Gimli came flying backwards after having tried to destroy the Ring.

The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, Son of Gloin.
Not by any craft we here possess. My father said looking worried.

The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom, Only there can it be unmade. My father sat back down in this throne. He glanced at me but i pretended not to see.

One of you must do this. My father said whilst glancing across the circle of men.

One does not simply walk into Mordor. Boromir said with his hand on his head.

The black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs.
There is Evil there that does not speak.
Boromir continued bringing negativity back into the room.

I'm afraid he is right, said Legolas.
I have been there before, all kinds of creatures guard it's gates, if you are so lucky to get past.

Have you not heard anything Lord Elrond has just said! The woodland elf said, standing up and looking around.

And i suppose you think you are the one to do it! said Gimli, I would be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!

Everyone got up and began fighting.
The tension was sky high. Me and Arwen sat down awkwardly, not knowing what to say or think.

I will take it! i heard the young hobbit say whilst sprinting into his feet.

No one listened at first, they continued their arguments.

I heard him, I got up and walked towards Frodo.

Frodo, don't be silly, you are but a hobbit. All sorts of dangers are out there, you cannot do this alone.

Then you can come with me, Princess! Please , you are right, I would never make it alone.

I will take it! Said Frodo once more but this time louder and with more meaning.

I shut my eyes tightly.
I will take the Ring to Mordor. Frodo's eyes were filled with fear, i could not only see it, but i sensed it in his small, beating heart. For such a small hobbit, his heart beat was strong, i could feel he was a hobbit with a great amount of courage.

Everyone stopped their fighting and turned to face Frodo.

Though... i do not know the way... Frodo looked around hoping someone would step up and help him.

Gandalf placed his hand on Frodo's shoulder, I will help you bare this burden Frodo long as it is yours to bare.

Aragorn stood up hasitily from his chair and began to walk over to Frodo and Gandalf.
If by my life or death I can protect you, I will.

I looked to my side to see Arwen full of fear.
Once again i placed my hand on her but this time round her shoulders, pulling her into a tight squeeze in attempt to comfort her, just like she would always do to me.

You have my sword, said Aragorn, kneeling down before Frodo, holding his hands within his own.

And you have my bow. Said Legolas, again walking towards the formation slowly forming in the centre of the terrace.

And my axe. Said Gimli.
He went and stood next to Legolas and looked up at him.
Legolas looked down then around, clearly somewhat annoyed.
The two of them must not get along.

Boromir then walked over and agreed to join, about to speak before,

Frodo's not going anywhere without me. Another hobbit, he came running up the steps from behind a ceramic plant pot, he must have overheard the whole meeting.

All of a sudden, two more hobbits, very similar looking, came running up the stairs.
I saw everyone standing in formation in front of me.
Maybe this is a sign, from Eru. I wanted more, something to chase in my life. I've been here for over 2 and a half thousand years. Since the battle for the Misty Mountains over 60 years ago, I have bearely fought. I kill off orcs that cross near our lands every so often, but otherwise, it's the same thing. Eat, drink, play the harp, all things i have done since i was a child. If we stay here and do nothing, like my father wishes me to do, we all shall die. I must try.
I am sorry Arwen.

I got up from my chair and walked towards the group.
I could feel Legolas' eyes follow me as i got up, and my fathers burning into the back of my neck.

With all my strength, i will do my best to protect you. I said kneeling down and placing a hand on Frodo's shoulder.
His face lit up with hope.
I joined the group and looked for a space to stand but there was none. Legolas indicated for me to stand next to him and i did so.
I saw a smirk creep from his face as i stood next to him, proud to have stood up.

So be it, you shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.

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