Chapter Eighteen- Visiting the Dead

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I rode with Legolas, Gimli with Aragorn.
We rode down the path, towards the mountain road, "Where are they going?", i heard many asking.
Everyone stared in disbelief that we were leaving.

We rode through the mountains, it was quiet and had no life.
"What kind of army would linger in such place", Gimli questioned.
I held onto Legolas's waist and kissed his shoulders blades, running my hand that was round his waist up and down.
"One that is cursed", Gimli looked up and looked unsettled.
"Long ago the men of the mountain swore and oath to come to his aid, to fight", he continued, "But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire they fled. Banishing into the darkness of the mountain".
"Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfill their pledge", i added.

We had arrived at the door.
A cold, gasping whisper blew past us as we got off our horses.
The horses reared up and ran off.
"Brego!", Aragorn called, but he did not return, probably wise.
Gimli's face began to look scared, so did mine.
"I do not fear death", Aragorn walked through the darkness of the door and Legolas and i followed.
"This is unheard of! Elves will go underground, but a dwarf dare not", I heard Gimli exclaim from outside the door.

It was dark inside, every step we took there was a crunch.
"What is it, What do you see?", Gimli asked as Legolas stared into the darkness.
"I see shapes of men, and of horses", he replied, still looking around.
"Where?", Gimli asked looking around in confusion.
"Pale banners like shreds of cloud", i said whilst looking at the shapes in front of me.
"The dead are following", Legolas said with worry.
"They have been summoned", i said walking forwards.
"The dead? Summoned?", Gimli said in a higher pitch voice than usual.

Clouds of light green smoke was in our path, Legolas hit through it with his arms.
Gimli began blowing the air, he was clearly afraid of the smoke.
"Do not look down", Aragorn whispered.
I kept walking before stepping in something that cracked, loudly.
I looked down to my feet about to say something before Aragorn covered my mouth with his hand.
He gave me a look of warning before moving his hand.
We walked through to the next section.
Aragorn held his torch above to shine its light.
"Who enters my domain?", A green, transparent figure appeared in front of us.
"One who will have you allegiance", Aragorn replied firmly.
I felt Gimli cling onto my arm, i looked down seeing his petrified face.
"The dead do not suffer the living to pass", the figure said slowly.
"You will suffer me", Aragorn demanded.
The figure laughed, it's cackle echoed through the walls and the green light spread.
A lost ruin appeared as well as many more green figures.
We turned to look behind us, a large army of the dead walked towards us, floating in air.
"The way is shut", the original figure said slowly.
More of the dead appeared around him, and around us.
They circled us, blocking off an exit like a sea.
"The way is shut", he said once more, "Now you must die", he said whilst walking towards us.
Legolas quickly got out an arrow and shot it at its head but it went right through it.
"I summon you to fulfill your oath", Aragorn walked forwards.
"None but the King of Gondor may command me", the ghost said raspily.
Aragorn held the Anduil in front of his face and clashed it against the ghosts sword.
"That line was broken", he said angrily.
Aragorn grabbed his neck, making it crack for it was all bone, and held the sword to its neck. The ghost gasped, "It has been remade", Aragorn told the ghost.
"Fight for us, and regain your honour", Aragorn said looking around at the many dead beings that had surrounded us.
"What say you?", Aragorn asked, there was no answer.
"What say you", Legolas repeated.
"Your wasting your time Aragorn, they had no honour in life, they have none now in death", Gimli said annoyed.
"I am Isildur's heir, fight for me", Aragorn held out his sword and pointed it around the circle that and surrounded us.
"He will hold your oath's fulfilled", Legolas added.
"What say you!", Aragorn yelled.
They began to cackle and disappear slowly in rows.
"You have my word!", Aragorn insisted.
"Fight, and i will release you from this living death!".
"What say you!", Aragorn yelled again.
"Stand you traitors!", Gimli yelled angrily.
We looked around to see the last of them disappearing into the air.
Legolas looked around carefully.
The walls began to shake and dust flew around the air.
The ruins crumbled and let out a river of skulls that came crashing down.
"Out!", Aragorn yelled.
We ran and climbed through the sea of skulls.
"Legolas!", Aragorn yelled before he sprinted back up after being dragged down.
We ran out of the mountain and out onto the grass, overlooking the river.
About 15 ships sailed over the river.
Aragorn dropped to his knees. Legolas looked at the river and his face changed in shock.

A windy noise came from behind us and the green figure appeared again.
"We fight".

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