Chapter Twenty One- The Return of the King

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It had been a few days since the Ring was destroyed.
Everyone on Middle Earth would have known now.
Frodo and Sam were saved by the Eagles, Frodo was still being cared for, still asleep.
Gandalf had gone to wake him, he looked after him everyday.

We were back in Rivendell, i was home.
When i arrived, Arwen ran to me and hugged me.
Aragorn and Arwen's reunion was beautiful, You could see how much they missed each other.
I changed into a light gown and walked with Arwen through the balcony's.

I changed into a light gown and walked with Arwen through the balcony's

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"You were gone for so long", Arwen said

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"You were gone for so long", Arwen said.
"How long was i?", i asked honestly, i didn't keep track of time.
"About 18 months", she replied.
I stopped walking in shock, i didn't realise i was that long.
"So..", i started, grinning at Arwen.
"Aragorn will be King of Gondor soon, his ceremony won't be too long from now i assume", i nudged her slightly.
"Stop, we haven't talked much about that yet", she replied shyly.
"You will be his Queen i assume?", i thought back to what i thought of in the halls of Gondor.
"What is wrong, sister?", she asked softly.
"I have found love,", i started, "With Legolas?", she grinned.
"What- How did you?", i began, confused on how she knew.
"Ada told me, he saw you two at the camp by the mountains", she laughed.
"I also saw it in my dreams", she said smiling.
"Your future looks bright, Alena".
"If we marry, who will be here for Rivendell, for Ada", i said worriedly.
She placed her hand on my shoulder, "It will be okay".
Her words comforted me. We walked down to go meet Frodo.

The hobbits ran and jumped onto the bed, greeting Frodo.
Gimli was next to greet them, he laughed and clapped, seeing Frodo alive and well.
Legolas walked in next, Frodo smiled at him and nodded.
I walked in after smiling at his happy face, "Alena!", he said with a big smile.
"Frodo", i said softly, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"Aragorn!", he yelled finally, as he entered the room.
We all stood by his bed, gazing down  at the hobbit who had been through so much.
Finally, Sam walked in. They smiled at each other for a few seconds before joining the other hobbits in play fighting on his bed.


It was the day, Aragorn was to be crowned King of Gondor.
I got ready and wore a silvery, light dress, my natural hair and my diadem.

I got ready and wore a silvery, light dress, my natural hair and my diadem

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Legolas wore a pale tunic with a silver diadem

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Legolas wore a pale tunic with a silver diadem.
I straightened his collar as he squirmed and complained, "Your best friend is being crowned King and you don't even care how you look", i joked.
"Of course i care, your just making it a big deal", he rolled his eyes.
I turned around and gave him an unimpressed look and he quickly looked away.

Gimli stood at the front near Aragorn.
Gandalf lowered the crown onto Aragorn's head, "Now come the days of the King, may they be blessed", Gandalf said.
Aragorn smiled at him before walking up the steps and turning around.

We clapped and people cheered for him.
"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together build this world, that we may share the days of peace", Aragorn said whilst looking around at the crowd.
White petals dropped from above and people continued to clap and cheer for the King.
Aragorn looked down at Gimli and smiled.
He began to sing the Oath of Elendil, whilst walking towards the centre of the terrace.
The elves walked facing the opposite way, so we met in the middle.
I stood next to Legolas, about to reveal his prize.
Aragorn placed his hands on Legolas's shoulders, "Hannon le" , he said looking at Legolas then to me.
We smiled before turning to the side and revealing a white banner with the tree of Gondor. My father stood next to it as it slowly revealed Arwen. She looked beautiful, she wore a diadem with little diamonds and hanging gems and a pale yellow dress.
Aragorn's eyes widened in disbelief before slowly walking towards Arwen.
She bowed down to Aragorn before he lifted her chin up and kissed her. Everyone clapped watching Aragorn pick her up and slowly swing her round.
Legolas looked at me with a smile, his eyes shining.
We walked down the middle of the crowd towards the four hobbits. They bowed down to Aragorn, "My friends, you bow to no one", He said assertively before bowing down to them.
Me, Arwen, Legolas and Gimli all followed before the whole crowd was bowing down to them.
They looked around in shock, unsure on how to react.


"It is time we say farewell", Gandalf said whilst packing his things.
We stood in a line in the halls of Gondor.
Frodo walked up to us all, his eyes watery and sad, "Thank you all, for everything", he said, a tear drop fell from his eye and ran down his cheek.
We all placed our hands over our chests and smiled.
He walked up to Aragorn, "Thank you, My King", he smiled and bowed down.

He then turned to Gimli, "Gimli, you never failed to make me laugh, even in the darkest of places", he hugged Gimli and Gimli patted his back, "No problem Laddy", he said, shedding a small tear.
Legolas looked down at him and raised his eyebrows, i thought dwarves didn't cry?", he teased.
"I think this occasion is acceptable", Gimli said whilst sniffing.
Frodo then turned to me and gave a big smile, "Alena, Thank you for believing in me, even when all hope was lost", he said with watery eyes, "I once told you that you would find your courage", i started placing my hand on his shoulder, "I think you have proven that you most definitely have", i smiled down at him.
His face lit up before he finally turned to Legolas.
"Legolas, your talent with a bow is unmatched", Legolas laughed and smiled at him.

"We part now, but not forever", Gandalf said to everyone.
"You always have a room here, in Gondor", Aragorn said, Arwen was next to him holding his arm, smiling at the hobbits.
"You are all welcome in the Shire", Pippin laughed, "If your ever passing, please drop in", Sam chuckled.
We all placed our hand over our chest and nodded slowly before watching Gandalf depart with the hobbits, back to the Shire.

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