Chapter Twenty- The Ring is Destroyed

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"Behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping", Gandalf said nervously.
"Let him stay there, Let him rot!", Gimli said whilst blowing out his smoke from his pipe.
"Why should we care", Gimli said stubbornly.
"Because ten thousand Orcs now stand between Frodo and mount doom", Gandalf replied.
Everyone went silent, "I've sent him to his death", Gandalf said quietly.
"No, There is still hope for Frodo. He needs time and safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth", Aragorn insisted.
"We can give him that", He continued.
"How?", Gimli questioned, "Draw out Saurons armies, Empty his lands then we gather our full strength and march on the black gate".
Gimli choked on his pipe and Legolas spilled his drink.
"Keep Sauron's eye fixed on us", Aragorn said with smirk.
"A diversion", Legolas added.
"Certainty of death, small chance of success. What are we waiting for?", Gimli exclaimed, still smoking his pipe.

"Alena", Aragorn nodded to he left, indicating for me to follow.
I held Legolas's hands before letting them slip away as i followed Aragorn.
I walked beside Aragorn to the halls where a stone and marble table lay.
"Why have you brought me here", i questioned, staring at the cloth covering the stone.
"Because Sauron has his eyes fixed upon you still, you can answer our questions", he stated, slowly lifting the cloth from the stone to reveal the Palantír.
My lips parted in shock.
I had resisted the temptation of the Ring before, but now Sauron had found other ways of finding me.

Aragorn nodded at me, his eyes looking at the Orb.
I slowly reached my hand over the Palantír and hesitatingly picked it up.
I held it to my face, my eyes twitching at its first glow.
"Alena", a dark, raspy voice growled.
"jiak saib ukee lat", the voice murmured.
I forced my eyes open and stared into the Orb.
"Lat foughav nalal", it whispered.
"Enough of the flattery", i said sternly.

"Lat maausan have ukucceedun avhe baavavle ro pelenor, buav lat do noav ukavand ij chance againukav whaav iuk avo come", it growled.
"What do you speak of?", i said, my voice now raised.
"Lat do noav ukavand ij chance", It whispered.
Aragorn looked at me confused by my face.
"Speak!", i yelled.
"Your avime iuk runnaumn ouav" The voice continued.
"What do you mean", i yelled angrily, annoyed by the voice's riddles.
"The time of Elves and Men is over, the age of the Orc has begun", it snarled.
My body began to get very hot, i felt light headed and sick.
"Alena?", i managed to hear Aragorn say.
"Join me, tell me what you know and you can become one of the most powerful beings in Middle Earth", it continued.

I began to struggle and it was starting to make me distressed.
"No", i said sternly.
The Orb changed and showed me my father and Arwen, her fate was tied to the Ring now, like mine.
I shut my eyes and shook my head, trying to ignore it
It changed one last time and showed Legolas, he was laying on a bed with another elf holding his hand, he was dead.
My face changed and i forced myself out of it and placed it back on the stone.

"Alena!", Aragorn held me and looked at my petrified face.
Aragorn grew angry and walked to the palantír and picked it up hastily and held it to his face.
He then held the Anduril in front of it and the Orb grew fiery.
"Long have you feared this sword", Aragorn said.
The Orb changed into a vision of Arwen laying on a bed, similar to how i saw her.
She looked pale and motionless.
Aragorn dropped the Orb in horror and i suddenly felt cold, like my immortality had just been sucked out of me.
It was the light of the Evenstar, it was fading.


I rode with Legolas, i hugged him tightly as we rode, He could feel that i was a bit nervous. We rode to our death, there was no way we could defeat an army of ten thousand outside the black gates of Mordor.
I smelled his woodsy, fresh scent. It made me relaxed.
"I can't wait for you to see my home", Legolas whispered as we trotted, "You will be Queen of the Woodland Realm one day".
I paused, realising what that would mean.
"Meleth?", Legolas turned his head, "Yes, me too", i replied shortly.

We had arrived.
The five of us rode towards the gate, the rest of the men stayed behind until commanded.
"Let the Lord of the black land come forth!", Aragorn yelled, standing in front of the gate.
A man covered in armour, rode a dark horse in rags walked forwards.
"My master, Sauron the great bids thee welcome", he said with a forced smile, showing his yellow, bloody teeth.
"Anyone come to treat with me?", The man asked,
"We do not come to treat with you, Tell your master this. The armies of Mordor must disband, he is to depart these lands never to return", Gandalf demanded with authority.
The man laughed, "The grey beard, I have a token i was bidden to show thee", he snarled, pulling out Frodo's Mithril from his robe.
Gimli's mouth parted in shock, Pippin did the same.
The man threw the shirt at Gandalf, "Frodo!", Pippin cried.
"The halfling was dear to thee i see", he said still snickering, "Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host".
I looked over to Aragorn, with anger and watery eyes.
He nodded at me giving me the confirmation i needed.
Gimli tapped Legolas's arm, indicating him to shoot at the servant of Sauron.
"Who would have thought that something so small, could endure so much pain. And he did Gandalf, He did".
Aragorn rode slowly towards him, "And who is this, Isildur's heir? It takes more to kill me than a broken elvish blade".
Aragorn drew his sword and cut his head off clean.
"I do not believe it, I will not". He said bravely.

They gates opened again, the familiar chant and stomp grew louder.
Aragorn turned around and i looked to the side of Legolas, still behind him on the horse.
Sauron' army approached us, "Pull back, Pull back!", Aragorn shouted as we galloped back to the others.
"Hold your ground!", Aragorn demanded, The men were clearly nervous.
"Stand! Men of the West!", Aragorn yelled riding up and down the army.
The men drew their swords.
We stood in front of the Army. I pulled out my bow.
Aragorn turned to look at us, his eyes filled with water.
"For Frodo", he said whilst running at the ten thousand in front is us.
Merry and Pippin followed after.
I ran beside them, shooting as i ran.
We had come face to face with them, we were too close to use arrows so i got my sword out and began to fight with that.
I stabbed a few before hearing the deafening screams from earlier. I covered my ears, it was the Nazgûl.
They came flying down knocking people and picking them up and throwing them to the ground.
The sound of swords clashing and screams was all so intense but now familiar.
I saw Gandalf standing, staring at a small moth.
"Manwė", i whispered.
"The eagles are coming!", Pippin yelled.
I looked up, an eagle came and grabbed one of the Nazgûl and knocked it down.

The Nazgûl screamed and flew towards Mount Doom.
Sauron's eye had been moved, he was now looking at the Mountain.
"Frodo", i whispered in hope, before i heard a roar.
I turned around and saw a huge, hill troll behind me.
It grabbed me and threw me across the ground.
It charged at me, swinging his knife behind him ready to push into me.
I got up weakly, i ran at it and stabbed my sword into its leg and ran behind it, shooting an arrow into its neck.
It roared, and swung its knife at me, i ducked down avoiding it.
"Alena!", I saw Legolas shout though could not hear the words.
Our swords clashed, i gripped into the ground but it was too strong.
I fell backwards and rolled, landing on my back.
I gasped in pain, having hit my head and bruised about every bit of my body.
I looked to my side, my eyes blurry and painful.
Legolas pushed past a bunch of Orc's, he screamed, "Alena!", struggling to get to me.
The Troll put his foot on my chest, grinning down at me. He pointed his knife at me and raised it above its head, ready to kill me.
This was the only moment during battle where i didn't think it was worth fighting.
I was weak, i didn't think i would make it but i saw Legolas out of the corner of my eye and something made me push.
I grabbed a dagger from my side and jabbed it into the trolls foot.
I was still pinned, The troll roared and swung its knife once mroe ready to cut my head off but it turned to look at the mountain before running away.
I got up and looked at the eye, The tower came crumbling down.
The eye fell with it before disappearing into the air and made a loud bang.
The earth flew up and the ground shook.
"Frodo!", Merry cheered, everyone began to cheer as the Orc's fled.
The ground around Mordor collapsed.
"The mountain!", Pippin yelled.
The mountain began spitting and clouds of dark smoke and ash erupted from it.
Lava spilled out of it, flying in the sky.
Our faces dropped, "Frodo!", Merry cried.

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