Chapter Thirty Nine- The gender

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(more months later)

I held my belly in front of the mirror

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I held my belly in front of the mirror.
I was about five months pregnant and my bump was now very much visible. King Thranduil was beyond delighted and would not stop talking about it.

I changed into a gown, one of my looser ones. Many of my gowns were too small to fit me now so Thranduil had ordered more for me- he was taking such good care of me.
I walked slowly to the healers chambers to have my check up, holding my round stomach as i walked.
"My lady!", The nurse said as she held my arm quickly to support me. I laughed and thanked her as i lay down on the bed. "Just here for a checkup, yes?", she said gently. I nodded and she came closer, "No problems to report, My lady?", she said softly.
"Nope", i said. She gently lifted my gown up slightly and felt around my stomach, rubbing it slightly to soothe the stretched skin.
"When shall i know the child's gender?", i asked curiously. "You may know now if you wish?", she said.
"I think i will wait for the big reveal when Legolas is with me", i replied. "Certainly, My lady", she replied with a bow. I thanked the kind nurse and left to go find Legolas.

I walked through the corridors smiling and humming to myself before i heard a voice as i passed the King's throne room. "My dear, Alena!", Thranduil called out. I peered inside and walked through, bowing my head down before him. "My dear girl, please come inside", Thranduil said gesturing his hand to come closer. I walked slowly towards him. He got off his throne and walked down the wooden steps, leaving his velvet red and gold robe laying on his throne. "How is my grandchild?", he said with a wide smile. I laughed, "All is well with the child, We are able to find out it's gender now but i said i would wait for Legolas", i replied slowly. "That is such good news", Thranduil said. "Have you seen Legolas?", i asked curiously not having seen him much these last few days. "I know he has been busy with these attacks on Mirkwood but he promised he would be home soon?", i asked sadly. I wanted to cherish these times with my husband, but he was barely around. "I believe he is training", Thranduil said with furrowed brows.
I thanked him and bowed my head before exiting the throne room and wandering down the halls.
I searched every room but could not find him.


"Thank you, Elós", I said greatfully as i left the room.
I wandered down the halls and entered a room where i saw many maids and ladies in waiting gathering. "My lady", They all said whilst curtsying.
I scanned the room to see who was there, many of my ladies were there sewing or reading. I noticed Tauriel in the far corner and walked slowly to her, she had her head hung low avoiding eye contact.
I stood before her waiting for her to look up before clearing my throat. "My lady", she said quietly. "Is everything okay child?", I asked curiously. "Yes, my lady, all is well", she said with little emotion. I raised my eyebrows and turned my head to leave before turning it back having noticed a necklace around her neck. "What is that?", i asked. She looked up, "It is a necklace, my lady", she replied worriedly. "It is very beautiful", i said staring at the details. I thought to myself, it was very beautiful and no doubt very expensive, not something any regular Silvan elf could have. "Who gave it to you, Child?", i asked sternly. She was silent, "It was a gift", she replied quietly. I nodded and left the room.

I walked down the halls and into the forest where the elves would train to fight. "My love", i called out seeing Legolas fighting Rhyssé. He stopped fighting and turned around, placing his two smalls words in his back armour. "Sweetheart!", He said happily, opening his arms out. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "The nurse says we may find out the gender of the child now", i said happily. "Let's go now then!", Legolas said holding my hand and walking towards the healers chambers. I smiled and followed him.
We were let in by two guards and sat down on the bed, Legolas held my hand sitting next to the bed.
The nurse felt around my stomach once more and mixed up some herbs. She stood back and smiled, "My lady, it is believed you shall give birth to a baby boy, she said with a smile. My face lit up and i looked at Legolas who was in shock. "Thank you, Eru", he said looking to the sky. I smiled , Legolas held my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand gently. We then walked back to our bedroom to get ready for bed.

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