Chapter Sixteen- Celebration

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We rode through the forest. I rode with Legolas, i fell asleep on his back, my face rested on his shoulder.

We got to the end of Fangorn forest and i woke up.
I saw the two hobbits sitting on a pile of stone, "Welcome! My lords to Isengard!", Merry said sounding ridiculously drunk.
"You young rascals! We were worried sick and now we find you.. feasting and.. smoking!", Gimli exclaimed.
"We are simply sitting, on the field of victory, enjoying a few well earned comforts", Pippin replied.
"The salted pork is particular good", Pippin replied looking at Gimli. Gimli's expression changed into one of awe.

We continued to ride through Isengard, towards the tower where Saruman hid away.
"What happend here", i said looking at the horses legs wading through water.
"The ents let the dam loose", Merry replied, still puffing away at his pipe.
"Gandalf, i am glad you came", an ent said slowly.
"There is a wizard to manage", he continued.
"Oh let's just have his head and be done with it", Gimli said annoyed.
"No, We need him alive", Gandalf said turning to look at the tower, "We need him to talk".
I heard footsteps from above us, "You have fought many wars Theoden King, can we not have peace?", I looked up to see Saruman.
"We shall have peace", Theoden started, we all looked at him confused before he continued.
"We shall have peace, when you answer for the burning of the Westfold, and the children that lie dead there. We shall have peace, when the lives of the soldiers who's bodies were trampled at the gates of the Hornburg are avenged!", he continued angrily.

"What do you want, Gandalf the Grey", Saruman turned his attention to Gandalf, "Perhaps the Keys of Orthanc, or the keys of Barad - dûr itself!", he shouted.
"Your treachery has already costed many lives, thousands more are now at risk", Gandalf started, "But you can save them Saruman", he finished.
"So you have come here for information", Saruman smiled, "Well i have some for you", he pulled out a dark Orb and held it in front of him.
"You are all going to die", he said smiling again.
Gandalf walked forward, still on Shadowfax.
I kissed Legolas's neck softly, i liked to remind him of my love , not always in the best timings.
He turned his head slightly and looked at my lips before i placed my fingers in front of them.
"You cannot think that this Ranger will ever sit upon the throne of Gondor!", Saruman exclaimed.
"The path you have set the halflings on, will only lead , to death", he smiled.
"I've heard enough", Gimli said angrily.
"Shoot him, stick an arrow in his gob", Gimli said quietly to Legolas.
Legolas pulled an arrow from his quiver before Gandalf stopped him.
"No, come down Saruman"
He shot fire down at us but it did not spread.
"Saruman, your staff is broken", Gandalf said as Saruman's staff exploded in his hands.

"Grima, you need not follow him", Theoden said, looking to Grima.
"You were not always as you are now", he said trying to encourage Grima to leave him.
"You were once a man of Rohan", he continued.
"What is a man of Rohan!", Saruman insulted, Grim a's face expression grew sour and angry.
"Be free, Grima", Theoden said.
"Free?, he will never be free", Saruman said angrily.
Saruman slapped Grima across the face,
"Saruman! You are deep in the enemy's council, tell us what you know", Gandalf ordered.
Grima held his knife and drew it from his sheath.
Saruman gasped as he was stabbed twice in the neck.
Legolas shot an arrow at Grima, hitting him in the chest.
Saruman fell backwards off of the tower and landed onto one of the spears of the water mill below.
It pierced right through his middle.
I covered my mouth in shock and so did Merry and Pippin.
The Palantír dropped from Sarumans hands as the mill began to turn, washing his body with the water.
Pippin walked towards the Palantír and picked it up.
"I'll take that", Gandalf said whilst taking the Orb from his hands and wrapping it in his robes.

We rode back to Rohan and sat in the hall, celebrating the victory.
I sat next to Legolas and we were with Gimli and Aragorn of course.
Theoden stood up and raised his glass, "Tonight we remember those who gave their blood for us", he said, "Hail the victorious dead",
"Hail", Everyone was stood and sipped their drink.
I didn't enjoy ale much but sipped out of respect for those who had died.

Everyone drank and sang songs, partied.
"No regurgitation", Gimli said excitedly, raising his drink to his lips.
Legolas and Gimli sat together and drank.
I walked over, "What are you two up to", i joked, sitting down with them.
"It's a drinking game", Legolas said clearly excited to see the state of Gimli in a matter of hours.
"Last one standing wins", Gimli said, his eyes filled with glee.
Legolas looked hesitant and sniffed his drink.
He doesn't normally drink all that much, i prayed he wouldn't be foolish.
"Don't ", i said lowering his glass.
Gimli chugged down his drink, spilling most of it down his beard.
Legolas saw Gimli and the competition took over, he began to chug it down as well.
I rolled my eyes and left.

I saw Eowyn and Aragorn, she had handed him a drink, and he accepted.
He walked away before Theoden came and spoke to her, "I am happy for you", he started, "He is an honourable man", Theoden said, placing his hand on her shoulder.
I thought about Arwen and how she would be if she found out about this.
I walked past them and g poured a small glass of wine. I rarely drink, but the odd glass was nice from time to time.
"Alena", Eowyn walked over and sat with me.
"How come you are not with the others?", she questioned honestly.
"Legolas and Gimli are having a drinking contest", i said rolling my eyes, "And Aragorn is, well i'm not sure acctually", I replied whilst taking a sip of my drink. She laughed at the thought of Gimli and Legolas.
"I thought elves could take their drink", she joked. "Yes, most of the time. Legolas will win. Gimli gets drunk over half a glass", i laughed watching them chug more and more. "There's no point in it", i said, putting my glass down on the table.
"Can i ask you something", she looked at me with honest eyes. I nodded and listened, "Who gave Aragorn the pendant that he wears around his neck, the one that matched with yours", she said whilst pointing to my neck.
I froze, unsure how to answer, knowing it would upset her. "Don't hide the truth, i'd like to know", she said softly.
"It was from my sister, The lady Arwen", i started, "She gave it to him as..", i paused, "As?", she questioned, "As a sign of her devotion and love for Aragorn", i paused awkwardly knowing the truth would hurt her.
She stared blankly before her eyes filled with sadness. I put my hand on her shoulder, "I am sorry", i said quietly.
"It hurts more to hear it aloud", she said through sniffs and blinks.
"I think i will go now, See you later, Alena", she got up and walked away.
It took a moment to realise what had just happend.

I walked back over to where Legolas and Gimli continued their competition.
Gimli chugged down his lager, glugging as he went.
There was about ten mugs in front of them. It was funny to see how gentle Legolas handed each drink and how he drank, where as Gimli chugged and burped.
Gimli stood up from his chair a little a let out a noise, Eomer looked in disgust.
Gimli's eyes had gone cross eye and he was acting stupid.
He burped and belched all over the place, Legolas seemed fine.
"How many have you had", i asked whilst looking down at his side of the table.
"Not much", he said hesitantly.
"Right", i laughed, looking down at the many glasses on the table.
"I feel something", Legolas moved his fingers, "A slight tingle in my fingers", the people around leaned in curiously, eager to have a winner.
I put my head in my hands and shook my head, embarrassed.
"Are you Embarrassed?", Eomer asked, walking up to me. "Oh i'm not, i'm embarrassed for them. Who's going to have to look after them?", i asked, raising my eyebrows, "Me, of course". Eomer laughed.
"What did i say, he cant hold his liquor-", Gimli fell backwards.
"Game over", Legolas raised his eyebrows at Gimli, he had won.

Merry and Pippin danced and sang on the tables.
We sat down near them to watch them perform.
"How are you, are you okay, do you feel sick?", i asked worriedly. "I'm fine", Legolas laughed at my overreaction. "I don't like it when you drink", i started, "I'm always worried you'll end up like Gimli", i giggled a bit looking over and Gimli still passed out on the floor. "I have a very high tolerance", he said proudly, "I only felt a slight tingle in my fingertips", he said softly.

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