Chapter Fifteen- Battle of Helm's Deep pt2

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The archers got their bows ready to shoot and aimed for the Orc below.
"I love you, meleth nîn", Legolas whispered still aiming down at the Orc.
The Orc began to growl and bang their spears even louder, they were clearly eager to begin. An arrow flew past me and hit an Orc in the neck. It dropped dead in front of the army.
One of the villagers had released the arrow too soon, "Hold!", Aragorn yelled.
The Orc's growled and began to charge at the castle.
"Prepare an naur!", Aragorn yelled. All elves got their arrow ready and placed it into their bow. I held it aiming for the Orc, Legolas observed carefully.
"Their armour is weak at the neck and beneath the arm", he warned the shooters.
"Release arrows!", Aragorn shouted. We all released our arrows and they came flying down at the charging Orc knocking many down.
"Fire!", Aragorn yelled to the Elves behind the walls. Their arrows came from behind, missing us by inches.
I kept firing my arrows, not stopping until Aragorn said so.
"Crossbows!", i yelled at Aragorn. They shot their arrows up at us, many elves were knocked back and many died.
"Ladders!", Aragorn shouted, looking down at the big wooden weapons.
"Swords!", Aragorn yelled, I took out my two smaller blades and spun them before stabbing the Orc that came on a ladder, it fell backwards but the ladder remained.
More climbed up, I got my swords ready as they began to jump off the ladders and onto the stone.
I stabbed one before turning and cutting another across the stomach before pushing my sword into its side.
Gimli dived beneath an Orcs legs and pushed his axe between its legs.
"Legolas!", Gimli shouted, "Two already!", he yelled with two fingers up.
"I'm on seventeen!", Legolas shouted back.
"Huh", Gimli said surprised.
I've got to beat them both. They always compete but this time i'll win.
I spun my sword in my hand before stabbing two more Orcs.
"Twenty, Twenty- One", Gimli shouted each time he killed another.
"What about you lassie", Gimli shouted.
" Twenty- Nine", i yelled pulling my sword out of another Orc.
Legolas and Gimli exchanged looks of shock, i knew this would add fuel to their fire for sure.

A big group of Orc marched up the slope with shields around them. I got out my bow and began to shoot as many of them down as i could,
They ran at the tunnel with a big metal- "Aragorn!", I yelled the loudest i possibly could. "Hain gar- a eutheá! ", i yelled still shooting down the ones who walked up the ramps.
The Orcs made way for a big, muscular Orc that carried a stick covered in fire.
"Bring him down Legolas!", Aragorn shouted.
The Orcs growled and stomped their spears on the ground as the Orc ran towards the tunnel with the flames.
"Bring him down, Legolas!", Aragorn shouted once more. Legolas shot him twice, his aim is impeccable.
The Orc shook his head and dived into the tunnel, it exploding along with a section of the castle.
The ground shook and many fell backwards.

They ran through the water and charged at the castle.
The ones up the ramp had now got a big wooden log, they started to ram the gate.
"Brace the gate!", Theoden yelled,
I looked at the area of stone that had just been exploded, the Orc ran through the water and into the castle ground.
I saw Aragorn, he was on the ground about to be trampled on by the Orcs.
"Aragorn!", I shouted, running down, shooting the Orc that ran towards him.
"Aragorn!", Gimli cried, he jumped off the castle and crashed into the Orc, killing many by just his force.
He banged and struck his axe into many Orcs but fell back into the water.
I looked over the other set of stairs and saw Legolas, he threw a shield down the stairs and jumped on, surfing the stairs whilst shooting about four more before jumping off and flicking the shield into one's neck.
"Not bad", i teased meeting up with him near the gates.
"Aragorn!, Fall back, get your men out of there!", one of the soldiers yelled.
I shot an Orc that ran at Gimli from behind and held out my hand to him as we ran to Aragorn.

"Gimli, Legolas, Alena!, Fall back to the keep!", Aragorn yelled, using his hand to direct the men.
"Haldir!", Aragorn yelled, Haldir stopped and looked at Aragorn before dodging a hit from one of the Uruk-hai.
I stopped fighting and looked up at his face, "Haldir!", i cried, wriggling loose from Legolas, "Alena, No!", he followed after me.
I ran up the ramp, stopping to kill more.
Another Orc came from behind and swung his knife back behind its head and struck Haldir from behind.
Haldir gasped in pain and dropped to his knees.
I stared at him seeing a tear fall from his eye even though i was far away.
My heart sunk and my eyes filled with tears.

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