Chapter Seventeen- The Mountains

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It was late, we needed to rest.
"Here are your rooms", Eowyn pointed out.
"Thank you", The hobbits said, still half drunk.
I held Legolas's hand as we walked down the corridor and opened the door to our room.

It was cold, our curtains were flying all over the place, "Let me close them".
Legolas walked over and closed them so that the cold air couldn't escape.
"You looked so handsome in your tunic", i said in flattery. It was true, his silver tunic looked amazing on him.
"And you did in your gown.", he replied back walking closer to me. I smiled up at him before walking away to get changed. Legolas's face furrowed in confusion as i walked away.

I changed into a baby blue nightgown and climbed into bed.
Legolas came and laid by me shortly after.
"Your not as bad as i thought you'd be", i laughed.
"What's that supposed to mean?", he questioned.
"I thought you'd be more .. like Gimli", i joked.
Legolas raised and eyebrow before pulling me into his arms.
I lay there with him, i played with his long hair, twiddling it round my fingers and plaiting little sections.
He smiled watching me play.
He started to rub my hands and massage them softly, he always took such great care of me.
I turned my head on it's side and laid it on his shoulder as he kissed my head.

We woke up the next morning in no rush.
Legolas was awake before me, he always wakes up early.
He gently shook me awake , "Morning", he smiled down at me.
"Morning", i stretched my arms up and snuggled into his chest.
"I love you", i said whilst still laying next to him.
"I love you too, Alena", He said leaning down to kiss me. It was a long, passionate kiss, like he was hungry for my taste.
I pulled to catch my breath and sat up, propped up on one elbow.
I moved my hand to his neck and kissed him again. I sensed a different mood, a different feeling than before.
He placed his hand on my hip and pulled me up and closer to him, still on our sides.
He tugged on the bottom of my nightgown as his other hand crept further and further up my thighs.
"Legolas, Al-", the door opened, "Woah, um. Sorry guys but we need to get ready", we turned to look at the door, Aragorn stood laughing at what he had just seen.
"Aragorn, knock please?", Legolas said quickly, clearly embarrassed.
We all laughed before getting ready.

I heard crying and screams from downstairs.
Aragorn ran to check it out whilst Legolas and i changed into our clothes. I wore a long navy robe with my boots and leggings underneath.
Legolas wore his usual green tunic and brown boots.

We ran downstairs, it was Pippin. He had held the Palantír.
He sat on the floor, petrified.
Gandalf started yelling at him before dragging him away. They rode away to hide Pippin, Sauron new who he was now.

We sat and talked, relaxing, still celebrating the victory.
Aragorn was out for a pipe.
"Feeling better?", Legolas joked with Gimli.
"I didn't feel a thing!", Gimli exclaimed, clearly forgetting how he had passed out last night.
We laughed, "So you didn't fall backwards and pas out on the floor then?", i joked.
"I don't know what your talking about", Gimli laughed back.
Aragorn came running back inside the hall.
"The beacons of Minas Tirith!, The beacons are lit!", He shouted, "Gondor calls for aid", he ran up to Theoden.
"And Rohan will answer", Theoden said after a long pause.

We got our horses ready, i rode alone, next to Legolas and Gimli.
We galloped through the grasslands before a deafening scream was heard. It was the Nazgûl. They came from above a grabbed men and horse, flying away with them before letting them fall to their death.
A white horse came galloping towards the attack before shining a bright light from a staff, the Nazgûl fled. It was Gandalf, "Gandalf!", Gimli shouted.
I kicked the horse and galloped faster, we entered the gates of Gondor.
"Faramir!", Gandalf shouted, him and his men had armour and swords, all riding to the gates.
"Your father loves you", he said finally. "You will remember it before the end."
They rode off, ready to face their last battle. I felt a
tear run down my cheek.

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