Chapter Twenty Five- The King

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I woke up the next morning and changed into one of the gowns King Thranduil had made for me

I made my way through the corridors and the many steps to the halls, i was let in by two guards either side of the door and saw King Thranduil and Legolas talking

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I made my way through the corridors and the many steps to the halls, i was let in by two guards either side of the door and saw King Thranduil and Legolas talking.
I walked in slowly and bowed down to the two of them before taking a seat next to Legolas.
"Morning", Legolas whispered, placing his hand on my lower back as i sat down.
"Someone was clearly very tired this morning", Thranduil smirked whilst stirring his drink.
I smiled at them both before a butler lowered a tray of fruits to me.
I asked for grapes, melon and cherries, Legolas knew cherries were my favourite so specifically asks the caterers to have them everyday.
"You will need to be measured today, Alena", Thranduil said calmly.
I nodded and thanked the King for arranging my dress fitting.
"One of the seamstresses should do it for you after lunch, you can go to them or they can come and find you.", Thranduil continued, taking a bite out of his tart.
"I also need to give you your ring", Legolas started, "Ada has made them for us, I will give them to you later", He said whilst placing his hand on my thigh.

We finished our meal and thanked the King before heading out to go to the forest.
We walked hand in hand looking at the flowers and different nature elements that Legolas was so mesmerised by.
He picked a beautiful goloth of flowers, and handed them to me.
"Thank you, meleth", i said whilst smelling the bouquet.
He smiled and held my hand once more, interlocking our fingers together.
We stopped in a small meadow of grass and lay there, he told me about his experience in Mirkwood over the years, sitting and carving shapes out of a piece of bark.
I lay in the field of flowers, my hair sat messily around me.
Legolas looked over at me and smiled softly, his eyes tracing up and down me.
He bent down, propped up on one arm and held my face.
I held his hand that was on my cheek and closed my eyes, his warm touch made me feel so safe.


We walked back, an elf was waiting for me at the gates, "It is time to measure you, My lady", she said whilst bowing down.
I let go of Legolas's arm and followed her to a beautiful room with silk fabrics and threads.
"Please remove your gown", she said softly, running the string through her finger tips.
I took off my gown and stood in front of her with just my under garments on.
She measured me so precisely and was done very quickly.
"Thank you", i said whilst buttoning the top of my gown.
She smiled and bowed down once more.

It was evening, i walked through the woodland realm, looking at my new home.
"I hope you are enjoying your new home", a voice said from round a trunk.
I turned to see the King. I bowed down low but he held out his hand and walked closer.
He lifting my chin to look up at him, "There is no need for that, iel", he said slowly.
"My lord", i started, slowly standing up straight again.
"Forgive me, i did not see you there", i said quickly.
"Do not worry, My dear. You may go where you please, you are my daughter now after all", he smiled softly, his eyes still a blue- grey, cold as ever.
"Are you ready for your wedding?", he asked whilst signalling for us to walk.
I held his arm and walked side by side with him, his sleeves were a silk grey and beaded delicately with tiny gems.
"I am excited but scared, My lord", i said honestly, i was thrilled to be marrying the elf i loved the most but nervous about our future after.
"Everything will be perfect, that i shall make sure of", he continued, still walking slowly by my side.
"It will be the most beautiful wedding any elvish Prince or Princess has ever had", he said with a wide smile and brighter eyes.
"Thank you, My lord. You have been so kind to me since i arrived", i said greatfully, i felt so at home and welcomed by him and his people.
"You are what Legolas needs, you are of his standard and i am so thrilled you have come to love one another", Thranduil said with a small grin.
I smiled, "I love him so dearly", i said with a wide smile and eyes of happiness, thinking about him made me smile no matter the circumstances.
"You look just like your mother", he said suddenly.
I paused and slowed my walking pace.
"You knew her?", i questioned.
"Yes, Long ago. We fought together, we were quite close in fact", he said whilst staring into my eyes.
"She was a beautiful, elegant elf, Of course seeing as the Lady Galadriel is her mother, Your grandmother i should say", he continued whilst stopping at his private quarters.
Two guards with long spears moved to the side to face the King as the big wooden doors opened and revealed his room.
It was golden with luminous lights that lit up the walls. Ivy crawled up the wooden pillars, the stone ground was spotlessly clean and felt cold, even through my shoes.
"She was kind, incredibly kind", he said softly whilst pouring a glass of wine into a glass.
"She is very similar in ways to you", he said smiling.
I smiled softly, staring at the ground thinking about how she would have been.
"I must retire for the night", he said finally, walking towards his draws and removing his rings.
"Thank you My lord, sleep well", i said whilst bowing down before him. He placed his arm across his chest and bowed his head and i left his quarters to make my way to my own.

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