Chapter Six - Balrog

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The stairs started moving, it came sliding down towards us and Frodo and Aragorn jumped.

We started to run again, down the stairs before Gandalf stopped.
The flames were hot as it could get, i could feel my face burning and sweat dripping down my skin.
The flames grew taller and taller before the demon rose and let out a roar.

We ran further and further, the demon following behind us.
I ran across the bridge, and jumped onto the path at the end of it.
I turned round and saw Gandalf stood in the middle facing the demon.
"Gandalf , run!" yelled Frodo.
"You cannot pass!" Gandalf yelled, the demon catching fire and spreading its smoke covered wings.
The Balrog forged a fiery sword and aimed it at Gandalf, but he had cast a protective spell around him blocking the kill.
It started to walk over the bridge, getting closer and closer to Gandalf. It had now formed a long whip and started swinging at in the air, ready to slash him.
"You shall not pass!" Gandalf bellowed before firmly planting his staff and sword in front of him, into the stone.
The stone beneath its feet crumble and took the demon with it, it fell backwards and started to fall into the deep, it's whip still swinging in the air.
Gandalf turned around and started to walk away but the whip came up with a smack and knocked him over, he was caught by his foot, clinging onto the edge.
Frodo came running towards him, "Frodo no!", Aragorn cried whilst holding Frodo in his arms tightly.
"Gandalf!" Frodo screamed, struggling to break free from Aragorn's arms.

"Fly you fools"
Gandalf let go and fell into the deep, along with the demon.

I froze next to Aragon and felt my ears tear up.
I started to cry.
Legolas ran and grabbed me round my body, crouched over, and held me before running and dragging me out, avoiding the arrows that was still being shot by the goblins.
We ran on up the stairs and out of the Mountains and found ourselves in a field of stone

Aragorn wiped his sword with the torn bits of his robe before turning around to face everyone.
"Legolas, get them up" , he said shortly.
Legolas looked around with a sorrowful face, he had known Gandalf longest out of everyone here, but not very close.

"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" cried Boromir, through tearful eyes.
"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs!" Aragorn yelled back at him, "We must reach the woods of Lothlórien.
Legolas came and crouched next to me, holding his hand on my waist.
"How is it?" he asked softly
"It burns, a lot, but i will be fine" i replied quietly, even though i was in so much pain.
"I will get you medicine and help when we reach Lothlórien" he said whilst getting up and beginning to walk away.
I grabbed his arm quickly, before he walked away and brushed down to his wrist, "Hanta, Legolas"
He smiled and walked away.
"Alena, what happend" Aragorn said whilst walking over. "In Balin's tomb, i ran towards L.. the troll. and an Orc i did not see cut my side" i said, showed him the turn up robe that was holding the blood.
"We will get you aid in Lothlórien, come now, we must go before nightfall".

Everyone was on their feet and we began heading towards the woods of Lothlórien.
"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!" Gimli said sounding confident and proud, before being face to face with an arrow.
We were surrounded by arrows.
"A dwarf breaths so loud, we could have shot it in the dark", said a tall, blonde elf.


"Legolas, Son of Thranduil", he puts his hand on his heart and back out again.
"Our fellowship stands in your debt", Legolas said to the elf.
The elves bowed down their heads to him before turning to Aragorn.
"Aragorn of the Dunedain, you are known to us" he says, placing his hand on his chest once more.
He turned to face Gimli, "We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days", Gimli looked infuriated, Gimli looked up at the elf, "Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!", I grab Gimli's shoulder, pressing down hard.
"That was not very courteous" i said to the dwarf.
"Ah and this is the Princess of Imladris, Brennil nîn Alena, Daughter of the Lord Elrond, Grandaughter to the Lady of The Light", he says whilst placing a kiss on my hand whilst staring at my eyes.
"Haldir!", i squealed before jumping into his arms and being swung in the air.
"Ha has been so an since im vedui saw cin!", i said excitedly.
Haldir smiled and held my hands.
Legolas stared at the elf in anger, his jaw clenched.
"You carry great evil with you, you can go no further", Haldir said.

Aragorn spoke with Haldir for what felt like hours.
"When we're you going to tell us that your grandaughter to the Lady of the Light, lassie?"
Said Gimli, soundly slightly surprised.
"I thought you would have known", i replied whilst looking at the stars.
"The lady Galadriel is your grandmother then, i assume?" , Frodo said stepping forward to meet my eyes.
"Yes, she is"
"How?" he asked curiously
I laughed and said , "My mother, The Lady Galadriel is her mother, making me her granddaughter" i said slowly so they could understand.
"What is taking them so long" Gimli said getting frustrated, "Can you do something, Alena?"
I nod and made my way to Aragorn.
"Haldir" I said before being embraced with a warm, welcoming hug.
"My lady gets even more beautiful every few years we meet" he said.
"I need to see mavwen nîn" i said assertively.
Haldir nodded and told us to follow.
I turned around and saw Legolas practically red with anger and clenched fists.
We walked along the narrow paths and up along the staircase towards Caras Galadhon. I remember these paths, it had been many years since i visited my grandmother, i hope she welcomes me.

We walked to the top where we stopped and waited for her arrival.
She came walking down with a light, she looked beautiful as always.
"Brennil nîn, The Lady Alena", said Celeborn.
I curtsied down slowly, even though we are family, i still showed them royal respect.
"Come here, sweet child" Galadriel said opening up her arms like an angel.
I walked up and slowly wrapped my arms round her torso, she stroked my hair softly, like she did when i was a child.
"Tell me, Alena, where is the Lady Arwen?"
"She is forbidden to come on this quest, My lady"
I looked round to see Aragorn, he spoke for her absence.
"What a shame, it has been so long since i last saw you both", "How is your father, Lord Elrond?"
"He is well, both my father and my sister are at home , both well i believe".
"Why are you here" she said suddenly changing the conversation.
I walked back down the steps and stood next to Aragorn and Legolas.
Aragorn explained the quest to Galadriel, " You must rest, Haldir, take them to canopies of rest.", she said and dismissed us.
I walked up the steps, before reaching my canopy, i looked around but realised Legolas was no where to be seen.
He's probably gone to his canopy too, i thought to myself.
I heard a knock on the archway, "My lady, Your grandmother wishes to see you".
"Thank you, Haldir"
He nodded and turned to walk away.
"Wait!" i said quickly, before he could walk away, "Yes, mellon nîn?", "It is nice to see you again, it has been many years" i said smiling at him.
I missed my old friend, it had been at least 200 years since i last saw him, normally, Galadriel comes to Rivendell, and Haldir stays in Lorien, so it had been quite some time.
"It is nice to see you too, Alena".

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