Chapter Twenty Two- The Woodland Realm

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"Where do you go now?", Aragorn asked us.
"I plan to go back to my kin, to the Glittering Caves of Aglarond", Gimli replied.
Aragorn nodded and wished him good luck.
"And you two?", Aragorn smiled at us, "I plan to take her back to Mirkwood, to meet my father", Legolas said proudly.
Aragorn smiled and put his hand on Legolas's shoulder congratulating him but Arwen looked sad.
I walked slowly towards her and held her hands.
"We must see each other regularly", Arwen said with tearful eyes.
"My sister", i said whilst hugging her tightly, "Mín will never n- apart an an", i said softly, holding her head against mine.

"I wish all the best for all of your journeys, we must visit soon", Aragorn said whilst waving us off.
Legolas held out his hand and walked with me to the carriage that was outside.
He held my hand as i got in and told the drivers to take us to the Woodland Realm.
My leg shook up and down whilst i stared out at Gondor, leaving finally.
Legolas held my leg and stopped it from moving, "What is wrong, Alena", he said whilst turning my head to face him, "I just cant believe that it's all over", I said honestly.
"You will be welcomed in the Woodland Realm like you are one of their own", Legolas comforted me, "You can visit anyone you want whenever and they can come to us at any time.", he smiled before kissing my lips slowly, his hand interlocked with mine.


"Brannon nîn, We are here", one of the drivers said, opening the carriage doors.
Legolas got out first and held his hand out for me.
"It's beautiful", i said whilst staring around me.
The trees were oranges, greens, reds and yellows.
We walked down the stone bridge and guards opened the doors to let us inside.
It was all wooden and lit up by bright white lights, it was breathtaking.
We were led to the steps to Legolas's father's throne.

He sat there, he wore a long silver tunic and a matching robe, it was velvet and so detailed.
He looked so elegant, and ethereal. He had long blonde hair and wore a crown of thorns and berries.
I saw where Legolas got his looks from.
"My King", a guard started, bowing down to Thranduil.
Another guard handed Thranduil a goblet of wine, Legolas told me he likes to drink.
"Your son, Legolas of the Woodland Realm and the Lady Alena of Imladris", he continued.
I was surprised by the formal ness of the greeting, even to his own son.
The guard stepped back and Legolas walked forward slowly, bowing down before his father.
I followed behind and stood beside him.
The King looked down and uncrossed his legs slowly and looked at me.
I slowly bowed down, he held out his hand and i took it, kissing his big white gemstone ring.
He smiled, he seemed pleased. I relaxed a little having being terrified by what Legolas had told me.
"Ada, I'd like you to meet the Lady Alena, Princess of Rivendell, Daughter of Lord Elrond", Legolas introduced me, "I was not aware that you would be bringing back such an important lady, Legolas", The King said before taking another sip of his Wine, "I thought i would be meeting another", he paused thinking of the right words to use, "Another common elf, like Tauriel", he smirked.
"It is my pleasure meeting you once again", Thranduil said whilst getting up, and clasping his hands together.
"I remember meeting you when you were just born", he said slowly, walking round Legolas and i.
I felt his eyes examining me, i felt quite intimidated.

"You have met before?", Legolas asked confused, "Yes, i was there when she had just arrived", he said with a small smile.
"Tell me, Alena. How is the Lord Elrond?", he said whilst walking back to his throne.
"I believe he is well, my lord", i said, even though i hadn't seen him for a few months now.
"And the lady Galdriel?", He asked, picking up his wine once again.
"She is well too", i said as politely as i could.
"I am glad to hear it. I was once close with your family, Alena. We drifted after some years of not speaking, i hope to remake some of those connections.", he said with not much emotion.
"I will get your rooms ready", Thranduil said as he waved his hand at one of the guards.
The guard escorted me out and led me to my room, Legolas stayed to talk with his father.

"I am happy for you, My Son", Thranduil said proudly, "You have found a relationship that will bring our family a good name and continue our pure bloodline. Unlike that elf you claimed to love many years ago".
"Thank you, Ada. I was hoping to ask for your blessing in marriage?", Legolas asked with pleading eyes.
"Of course, Son. I give you my blessing", Thranduil said with a smile.
"Have two betrothal bands made", he waved at a guard near him.
"Thank you, Ada", Legolas walked up and hugged his father.
"I missed you, My son. I am glad you're back home safely".

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