Chapter Eleven- The Wolves of Isengard pt1

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I woke up with nobody laying beside me.
I dressed ready to fight, i wore a long forest green robe with brown long boots and the fellowship cloak.


"That horse is mad!", a guard exclaimed, trying to calm the unsettled horse.
"Stop pulling it", i said, walking towards it i faced by its action.
I walked towards it and stood in front.
"Easy, Easy", Aragorn said calmly, taking over from the guards.
He reached out to stroke the horse, telling it comforts in elvish.
"He senses the men's nerves", i said looking around at the frightened soldiers.
"Shhh, easui nin mellon. Dagr- na- a scarui nad im know, but cin must relax a estel an Aragorn na- worthui -o cín companionship", i whispered gently into the horses ear.

"His name is Brego", I looked over to see Eowyn, "He was my cousins horse". She said staring at Aragorn.
"Brego? Your name is Kingly", He said, holding the halter of the horse.
"I've heard of the magic of elves but did not look for it in a ranger from the North", Eowyn said, still staring into Aragorn.
"You speak as one of their own", she said sounding surprised.
"That is because he is one of our own.", i replied placing my sword into my sheath.
"She did not mean any harm, Lena.", Aragorn put out his hand. Although he was protective and could be irritating at times, i had known him his whole life and he was blood to me.
I continued to sharpen my weapons.
"I was raised in Rivendell", he continued.
"Turn this fellow free, he has seen enough of War".

I look across the stables and see Legolas stroking a white horse, i could hear him saying elvish comforts to him, similar to Aragorn.
"So your not the big, strong guy you make out to be huh?" I joked, walking over to him. Legolas straightened his posture and stopped stroking the horse, "No, i was just looking". He said defensively.
"Your such a softie ", i teased, gently nudging his arm. He smiled and continued to stroke the horse.


I got onto the same horse as Legolas, I didn't need to ask or be asked this time.
He smiled seeing my forward gesture.
"We have women, but they are often mistaken for dwarf men!", Gimli laughed whilst talking to Eowyn as we rode.
"It is the beards", Aragorn whispered as Eowyn looked back.
She walked towards us, "We have not properly introduced ourselves", she said looking at Legolas.
He smiled down at her, "I am Legolas, Son of Thranduil, and Alena, Daughter of Elrond", Legolas formally introduced us.
"A royal couple then i see", she laughed.
"Yes, i suppose you could say that", Legolas laughed back.
"Argh!", Gimli shouted, "Gimli!", i yelled watching his horse spook and ran off.
"I'm fine, Nobody panic. That was deliberately", He said whilst laying on the ground.
Eowyn ran over to help him up.

People complained from tiredness so we stopped along the grasslands and let people rest.
"You must eat", Legolas said whilst sitting beside me, next to Aragorn and Gimli.
"Here", he unwrapped the leaves off of the Lembas bread and broke off some before hovering it in front of my lips.
"Thank you", i said whilst he fed it to me.
We smiled at each other, continuing to feed each other bits of bread and grapes. I laughed as i threw a grape into Legolas' face. "Oops", i said pretending it was by accident.
Legolas raised his eyebrows and looked at me before throwing a grape back, catching it in my mouth.

"They are so in love", Gimli stared at us speaking to Aragorn.
"I am happy for them, Legolas deserves his happiness", he said looking at Eowyn walking towards us.

"I cooked up some stew, it is not much but it is warm", she said spooning four bowls of stew.
"Thank you", Aragorn said, politely taking the bowl from her hands.
He spooned a mouthful and gave it a taste, his face looked sour and kept the stew in his mouth, still not swallowing.
I looked at Legolas, concerned.
He mixed the stew around with his spoon, playing with the unknown meat.
I shakily placed a mouthful in my mouth seeing that Eowyn was still waiting in front of us.
"Mm-", i tried to smile whilst chewing.
"Do you like it?", She asked us smiling ,
Legolas had already placed his bowl next to him not bothering to try any.
I looked at him in disgust, he laughed and smiled, clearly enjoying watching the face i made at the taste of it.

She began to walk away, i decided to take my chance, I moved the front pieces of my hair behind my ears and spat out the remainder of the stew.
I felt my stomach churn, and rumble.
"Alena?", Legolas asked suddenly surprised.
He moved my hair behind me and rubbed my back as i threw up into the bush behind us.
Legolas laughed at my reaction to Eowyn's stew.
"What is this grool, Where's the meat!", Gimli cried putting the stew down.
I saw Aragorn try to pour some of it into the grass before she turned around and came back again.
"You know, my Uncle told me a strange thing, He said you rode to War with my Grandfather",
"King Theoden has a good memory then, he was only a small child back then", Aragorn said quietly.
"Then you must be at least sixty", Eowyn said in shock kneeling down in front of him.
"Try add twenty years from that!", Legolas shouted over laughing.
I giggled quietly so he wouldn't hear me.
"And then add another seven years form that!", Gimli said laughing so hard he fell backwards.
We all burst out laughing whilst he looked embarrassed and angry for ruining things.
"Eighty-seven", he said shyly, looking down clearly embarrassed.
"Then you must be one of the Dunedain", She said standing up shocked. "Blessed with long life, I thought your race had passed into legend", she said interested.
"There are few of us left", Aragorn said looking up at her.
"I'm sorry", she said, "Please, Eat!", she said to all of us, "I'm full", I said as politely as i could, "I'll pass thanks", Gimli said and Legolas pretended not to hear.


We continued to walk the next day, I could tell Aragorn's mind was preoccupied as he wasnt his normal self. I had known him long enough to know.
"Aragorn, what na-roeg?", i said to him as we continued to walk.
He stared blankly before replying, "I had a dream, it was of Arwen, she visited me and kissed me", he said with hardly any facial expression.
I felt the presence of another person, Legolas was riding with Gimli, so it wouldn't have been either of them.
I turned to see Eowyn, "Hello", she said whilst smiling shortly.
"She kissed my lips", he repeated in awe.
Eowyn's eyes twitched and her smile faded.
She looked down at his chest, "Who was she, the woman who gave you that jewel?", she asked curiously.
"She is sailing to the undying lands", he replied finally, looking full of pain.
Eowyns saddened.

My ears twitched as i heard soemthing, Aragorn noticed and his face expression changed.
I turned to look at the top of the cliffs, i felt something.

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