Chapter 1: The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round...

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Something you either loved, or hated with your entire being.

On the one hand, it meant sun, swimming, traveling, no school, beaches, fireworks and doing whatever you wanted whenever you wanted.

On the other hand, it meant sun, bugs, heat, camping, swimsuits, sunscreen, family time, insecurity and soul crushing depression.

But, Y'know. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

Summer has been spoken of, as a time opportunity. To try new things that you maybe wouldn't have done under any other circumstances. Like, dye your hair, or try to backflip off of a rock.

(That last one I highly recommend against!)

In this case, the opportunity was going away for the summer.

"Trust me Sharon, I've checked all the reviews. This place is perfectly up to code in every way!" Sheila exclaimed, sipping her tea.

"Oh... I don't know..." Sharon rested her hand on her cheek. "Stan's never been away that long."

The two of them met up at least once a week to talk, drink and gossip.

"He's sixteen Sharon! You can't keep babying him forever."

"Are you sending Kyle?" Sharon brought her cup of tea to her lips, blowing to cool it off. She had slipped a bit of whiskey in when Sheila wasn't looking, in hopes that it would help prevent any outbursts. Sharon was feeling particularly irritable that afternoon.

"I mentioned it, but he said he doesn't want to go if Stan doesn't, so here we are," Sheila folded her hands in her lap neatly.

"Well... I suppose if Kyle's going it could be okay..."

"Very good! I'll go on the website now and sign them up." Sheila made her way to the kitchen where her computer was. Sharon pulled out her phone anxiously.

Mothership: Hi sweetie! Sooo, I kinda just signed you up for summer camp.

She waited, hearing the distant clacking of keys coming from the kitchen.

Stanley: What?

Stanley: I don't wanna go! I like my bed too much to leave.

Mothership: I'm sorry love. I already told Sheila that you'd go with Kyle.

Sharon bit her lips nervously.

Stanley: Wait, Kyle's going?

Mothership: Yes, Sheila wanted you to go with him so I said yes.

Stanley: I'll go.

Mothership: Are you sure? Because if you don't want to I can find you a way out of it.

Stanley: I'm sure. I want to go. Kyle's my best friend.

Sharon let out a sigh of relief as she tapped out a reply. She found it cute how ever since the boys were young, they would use that as an excuse. 'He can't die, he's my best friend!' 'We need to get these matching shirts because we're best friends.' 'It's normal to sleep in the same bed if you're best friends.' And so on.

Mothership: Great. I'll send you the website so you can check it out.


"Sharon, I just had the most wonderful idea," Sheila strut back into the living room, plopping down on the sofa. "What if we invited all the boys little friends to go to camp with them?"

Summertime Hell (South Park summer camp AU)Where stories live. Discover now