Chapter 13: Late Night Talking

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Mr. Garrison had been understanding (that's a first) and had allowed them to take as long off of activities as needed. The police and paramedics had to come back for investigation and to retrieve the body.

Tolkien held Nicole's hand as she was placed in the back of the ambulance, but was told he couldn't ride along with her.

He had obliged reluctantly, with tears in his eyes as he watched them go speeding off with the love of his life.

They had also been able to convince Mr. Garrison to let the girls and boys stay in the same cabin for 'closure' for the night.

Kenny was shocked when he heard. He was questioning whether or not this 'bear' would just come inside and just take anyone.

The twelve of them just lounged around the boys' cabin all day, crying, and hugging, and reminiscing. All part of the typical grieving process.

Tolkien had someone laying with him at all times, however it switched between who it was. No one wanted him to feel any more alone than he already did, si the second one of them got up, another would fill their place, comforting Tolkien in any way they could.

Craig still hadn't spoken since they had gotten back.

He hadn't cried either.

Tweek was worried.

"Hey love," Tweek hugged him from behind, his voice hoarse and filled with sorrow. "How do you feel?"

Craig didn't say anything, he just shook his head.

"Is the-there anything I can do?" Tweek hooked his chin on Craig's shoulder.

"Mmm," Craig responded in a high pitches tone, leaning back against him. They were sitting on Tweek's bed, their hands entwined on Craig's stomach.

Tweek was dissatisfied with the situation. He knew how close Craig and Nicole were. He knew Craig had to be devastated. He just wanted to help.

Tweek also knew Craig had a bit of a tough time regulating his emotions.

If he was dealing with any major emotion, he had a tendency to go on lockdown, refraining from speech and doing anything on his power to not have to deal with it because things like that exhausted him.

He certainly wouldn't do anything about it in front of all of their friends.

Even though they were practically vomiting their sadness all over the fucking walls.

Tweek decided that the best option was to just let him be, but provide any physical comfort that he needed.

He buried his face into the crook of Craig's neck and just held him.

What if he was next?

What if Craig was next?

I wouldn't be able to take it if crag died, Tweek felt a newfound panic rising in his mind. What if the thing out there gets him? What if it gets me? Or Clyde, or Tolkien, or Stan, or Kenny, or- DAGH IT DOESNT MATTER WHO, it matters If it happens or not! Could it happen? ...will it happen? WHAT IF-

Let's just say, Tweek did a lot of stressing that day.

Most of the day was spent morning. Occasionally, a few of them would go out and get some food for the rest of them or go to the bathroom, but for the majority, they all stayed inside, wallowing in each other's company.

The sky darkened and the girls stayed. They had the exact right amount of bunk beds in there for all of them to get their own bed. Heidi slept on the top bunk above Butters' and Bebe and Wendy slept in the other set, Wendy sleeping on the bottom and Bebe sleeping on the top.

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