Chapter 19: Spork

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Stan slept.

He finally. Slept.

And boy oh boy, did he sleep a lot.

Kenny had rolled out of bed before him.


Yeah, sure, he was the last the last one awake, but he was still up before Stan and Kyle.

He had groggily made his way down the ladder, stretching and stopping to giggle at the sight in Stan's bed.

Stan was clinging onto the front of Kyle's shirt like a koala and Kyle had his arms wrapped around Stan's shoulders. They both seemed to still be asleep. Stan's face wasn't visible, seeing as it was buried into Kyle's chest.

Kenny laughed at the two of them, glancing around subtly before pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of them.

Hehe... blackmail, Kenny smirked triumphantly, leaving the cabin.

Stan woke up at around one thirty, still feeling exhausted, but noticeably less so.

He hadn't opened his eyes yet but all he could feel was Kyle.

He was warm and tucked into Kyle's chest, their legs slotted together under the blankets and their arms wrapped around each other.

God, was this better than sleeping alone.

He was happy Kyle hadn't left.

He laid there, basking in Kyle's firm touch and his familiar scent until Kyle, had to ruin the moment.

Maybe Stan had moved abnormally, or maybe his breathing had changed, but that didn't matter. What did matter, was that Kyle somehow knew he was awake.


"Mmph," Stan groaned, hoping Kyle would just drop it.

"Can we talk about what was happening last night?" Kyle's voice was raspy due to lack of usage and Stan couldn't help but imagine how beautifully disheveled he must look right now.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Stan mumbled, his voice muffled by the fabric of Kyle's shirt.

"Okay then," Kyle cleared his throat.

Neither of them said anything and neither of them moved.

"I think," Stan clung a little tighter to the back of Kyle's shirt. "I think I'm done being mad at you."

There was a stunned silence from Kyle as he processed the information he'd just been granted.

"Really?" He asked and Stan wanted to stab himself because of the amount of hope in his voice. "You-you're not mad anymore? You sure?"

"Mmhm," Stan half-assedly replied.

"Oh, thank you," Kyle sighed in relief. Stan was mildly shocked when Kyle buried his nose in his hair, and began caressing the back of his neck with his thumb. "I really don't like it when there's shit going on between us," he thought for a second before correcting himself. "Bad shit, that is."

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Stan was trying to act aloof but his facade was slowly melting. He flipped over on his side to further prevent Kyle from catching sight of his blushing face. "I'm gonna go back to sleep. I'm still tired. You can leave if you want to."

Kyle looked over at Stan with a love struck gaze that was only seen in movies.

Man, was he down bad.

"I could leave," Kyle nodded to himself. "Or... I could stay here with you."

Stan's breath hitched when Kyle slid his arm around Stan's midsection, pulling their bodies together.

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