Chapter 9: Go To Bed

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After they had all gotten re-dressed, they made their way over to the mess hall where they went up to the hot bar to get some breakfast.

Right as Kyle was about to sit down, he felt a firm hand grip his shoulder harshly. He turned and was met with Wendy's face. She was fuming.

"Kyle Broflovski, get your ass outside right now," her nose was crinkled wich kind of made her look more like a puppy trying to be intimidating than actually scary, but her tone of voice made up for it.

She basically dragged him out behind the building, pulling him by the fabric of his shirt.

"What did we just talk about?" Wendy crossed her arms.

Kyle was silent. He was very confused.

"I'm really sorry, but," he squinted at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Stan! We're talking about Stan," Wendy glared. "He came to my cabin at three in the morning crying because you yelled at him!"

Kyle froze, clenching his teeth.

Fuck, Kyle balled his hands into fists. I made him cry twice? What the fuck is wrong with me?

"You said you would be careful with him!" Wendy whisper shouted. "Being careful with a boy who hasn't had a steady mindset for years isn't done by telling him it's all his fault."

"Wendy, I really don't know what happened. I was drunk and it just all came out all of a sudden and-"

"Don't you dare blame this on the fact that you were drunk," Wendy pushed a finger firmly into his chest. "Being drunk doesn't mean that you can be a shallow asshole who thinks his actions don't have consequences."

"Wendy, I'm sorry-" Kyle sighed out.

"Don't tell me that," Wendy raised her voice. "Tell Stan. Personally, I don't give two shits about the fact that you're sorry. What you need to do, is let Stan know that you regret what you did."

"I tried!" Kyle held his hands up. "He didn't listen!"

"Actions speak louder than words," Wendy furrowed her brow. "If telling him isn't enough, show him. Earn back his trust, because you sure as hell don't deserve it right now."

"Wendy, that's unfair."

"No, Kyle," Wendy was nearly shouting now, but she didn't care. She had to get her point across. "What's unfair, is Stan showing up at our doorstep, barely able to hold himself together, and collapsing in sobs the second he got a hug. What's unfair is the fact that he's ranted about the whole situation for hours, thinking he was in the wrong. What's unfair, is the fact that he hasn't slept all fucking night because he felt so horrible that he gave you 'commitment issues'. Kyle, he genuinely believed what you said. He took it to heart and that's what's unfair. You can't talk to him like that. He can't take it. He really can't."

Kyle was stunned into silence. Did he really do all that to Stan? He'd had no clue. He fell asleep soon after the fight, but apparently Stan hadn't been so lucky.

"Wendy, I want nothing more than to fix what I did," Kyle said, and he meant it. The overwhelming feeling of guilt, and longing was enough for Kyle to be willing to jump off a cliff if it would make Stan happy. "I think he's just... hesitant to me right now. But I want to help him. I really do. It was my mistake, and I wish with everything I have that I could undo it. But that's not really an option."

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