Chapter 23: Pretty Steamy

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Their heads all whipped towards the entrance. Bebe was standing in the doorway, Heidi and Wendy were close behind her and, a little farther back, Kenny and Clyde stood.

"Back up," Bebe speed walked over to the table where Craig was still laying, unconscious. She elbowed Kyle out of the way, taking his spot by the motionless asshole on the table. "You buffoons don't know what you're doing."

"And you do?" Tweek asked, through his hysterics.

"Are you serious..?" Bebe raised an eyebrow at him.

"He makes a valid point, Bebe," Heidi chimed in. She was on the opposite side of the table from Bebe and was applying pressure to the wound on Craig's chest to (hopefully) repress the bleeding.

"Have literally none of you guys been paying attention to my life for the past three years?" Bebe scoffed as she looked through the cabinets to find what she needed.

When everyone stayed silent, Bebe looked around the room with an expression that was confusion mixed with disgust.

"I've been studying to be a med student for the past three years," she said flatly. "I've been taking college courses and shit. I know what I'm doing."

Kinda, she admitted to herself.

"Oh," Kyle nodded. ""

Bebe furrowed her brow.

She hated those kinds of reactions.

Yeah, she wasn't the smartest person out there. She wasn't very street smart and failed to make herself seem intelligent.

Because really, she wasn't all that intelligent.

She just knew a lot about what she was passionate about.

She sighed, but her eyes lit up as she came across what looked like a box of needles, and surgical thread.


God knows why the camp had stitching supplies.

But holy shit, was she glad they did.

She took it off the shelf of the lower cabinet and placed it on the counter.

"Where do they keep the alcohol wipes?" Bebe began searching, lifting things and opening things and swiftly checking every place they could be.

Stan didn't know how she could stay so calm and in control during a moment like this.

The more he stared at Craig, the more his stomach churned.

He couldn't stand looking at him but he couldn't look away.

His gut wrenched as he looked down at the blood practically pouring out of his stomach and the gouged out socket, where his eye used to be-

He felt light headed and his knees were weak.

Bebe side eyed him nervously after she had found the alcohol wipes. "Stan, are you okay?"

Stan opened his mouth to answer yes, but was hit with the ever so lovely metallic-y scent of blood that filled the air.

He doubled over and clapped a hand over his mouth. His eyes clenched shut and his body jerked forward as vomit seeped out through his fingers.

He took a few staggering steps and lowered his body to the trash can in the corner of the room as he wrenched up the contents of his stomach into the bin.

"Oh god damni- can someone get him out of here?" She gestured to the door.

Kyle nodded, his eyes still on Craig's body as he patted Stan on the back to get his attention.

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