Chapter 21: Head's Up

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Stan and Kyle had gone looking for Butters.

Technically, they got what they were looking for.

And a little extra...

"What the fuck..?" Kyle muttered in confusion as he and Stan neared the shore of the lake.

Stan squinted at the two people in front of him and his eyes widened

"Kenny!" Stan shouted, rather shocked at what he and Kyle had caught him doing.

"Stan!" Kenny's head shot up and he wiped his mouth, replying in the same tone.

There was a loud zipping noise and Butters yelped.

Kenny's eyes were wide and his cheeks were flushed.

"What the fuck dude?" Stan asked loudly. Kyle had a hand over his eyes and his body was turned slightly away.

"Wha'd'you mean, what the fuck?!" Kenny sat fully upright, clearing his throat. "How was I supposed to know you were gonna come over this way?" Kenny giggled, breaking his annoyed facade. "Heh. Cum."

"Were you just-" Stan was going to make a gesture but he decided against it.

Butters looked embarrassed enough as it was.

That would be a little insensitive.

"It's none of your business what I was doing," Kenny furrowed his brow.

"Awh fuck," Butters cursed under his breath.

"I- ah-" Stan sputtered, looking between the two.

"Stan, let's go," Kyle grabbed Stan's forearm, tugging slightly. "Let them have their time."

"But we need Butters-"

"Butters, needs Kenny right now," Kyle said, in a tone similar to an adult trying to tell a five year-old that biting friends isn't okay. "We'll get them later."

"Wendy and Heidi have been waiting all day though."

Kyle sighed. "Dude, how would you feel if you were getting... zesty with someone and then halfway through, two dudes came and pulled you away from the person you were gettin' jiggy with and dragged you to a dusty old library?"


"Fuck off! Get your own boyfriend," Kenny scoffed, his hands resting on Butters' face. "This one is mine."

Kenny paused and then smirked, flicking his eyes to Kyle, who was looking away still and then wiggled his brows.

"It-it's fine," Butters cleared his throat and sat up. He lifted Kenny easily off of his lap and stood, keeping his eyes on the ground.

He didn't think he could look them in the eye for quite a while.

Kenny sighed loudly, standing up beside Butters and crossing his arms with an annoyed look on his face.

"He can go, but I'm coming too this time."

"Butters, you don-" Kyle started

"No! No, I'm fine," he cleared his throat awkwardly.

Kenny expression, however was not embarrassed whatsoever.

It was mostly annoyed and upset.

You see, he and Butters had wandered a ways down the shore of the beach and, as is fairly normal for a horny teenage couple, they began to kiss.

And kiss.

And kiss.

And kiss.

Naturally, kissing led to other things.

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