Chapter 14: Rock Hard

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They all sat around their breakfast table, aside from Tolkien, who hadn't gotten out of bed or even acknowledged another human that morning.

Anticipation prickled in the air as Mr. Garrison got up on the stage yet again, a nervous expression on his face as he glanced over at Mrs. Victoria.

"Uhm... children," he bit his lip, gesturing with his hands. "We have to inform you that there was another tragic accident in the woods last night."

All heads were turned towards him, expressions ranging from scared, to sad, to angry to pained.

"Seeing, as this is the third death in a row, we have decided," Mr. Garrison took a deep breath, pushing a hand through his nonexistent hair. "That we are giving you all the option to go home if you like. Busses will be ready and waiting to transport as many of you out as needed. Please come to me, or Primcip- I mean Mrs. Victoria if you have any questions. have a nice day."

"Oh, get me the hell out of here," Cartman shook his head. "It's about fuckin' time they thought of this."

"Another person died? " Wendy's eyebrows arched upwards with worry. "Maybe it's best we all leave."

They all went quiet, looking at each other from around the table.

All of them looked like utter wrecks from all the crying and lack of hygiene the day before but Stan looked the worst.

The circles under his eyes were a deep purple, sticking out against his skin, that seemed to be getting paler by the day.

"I don't wanna leave," they all turned in shock to see Tolkien sitting down with them. "I want to get rid of it."

"Get rid of what?" Kyle tilted his head.

"The bear," Tolkien's eyes were red. Despite the harsh words coming from his mouth, his expression was full of trapped sorrow. He didn't think he was going to get better. "If we kill the bear, it can't get any more campers or counsellors."

"We shouldn't kill it," Heidi furrowed her brow. "What good would that do?"

"It's mauled three GAH- three different people so far," Tweek gripped the ends of his shirt roughly. "Wh-what's to stop it from taking more?"

"Hey, when I went to get Mr. Garrison yesterday, I saw guns hanging up in the counselors cabin," Clyde's face brightened. "We could shoot it."

"Are we actually gonna kill it?" Stan's expression looked hopeful. "We're gonna kill the thing?"

"Yeah," Tolkien nodded solemnly to himself. "Were gonna kill the thing."

They waited out the day restlessly. More mourning of their dear friend ensued, but not nearly as bad as the day before.

They waited until it was long dark outside when they put their plan into action.

Stan had told them that that's when they typically started.

They pried the counsellor's cabin window open and slid Clyde through, seeing as he was the one that knew where they were. He pulled a Glock-22 pistol off the desk, and lifted a semi-automatic, 12-gauge shotgun off of a shelf bolted into the wall. He was carful to be quiet, in order to prevent the counsellors from hearing what they were up to.

He slid back out easily, stepping onto Kyle's outstretched hand for support.

"Got 'em?" Kyle asked as Clyde landed.

"No, these are two totally different guns," Clyde rolled his eyes. "Yes I've ducking got them. Let's go."

The five out there were Stan, Clyde, Kyle, and Butters. They had managed to talk Tolkien out of it. He claimed it was his idea, so he should do it, but they were just worried it might trigger something, being so close to the spot where Nicole died.

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