Chapter 5: Cold, Hard, Kitchen Floor

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Kenny and Butters joined the rest of the boys in getting ready for breakfast. Once they had all changed and brushed their teeth and whatnot, they consecutively made their way to the mess hall.

They all got their food from a lady in a hair net serving it at the hot bar.

Apparently, the whole camp was so fucking big it was split up into four districts.




And each of the districts had their own mess hall and bath house and such.

This camp was fucking loaded.

Their district was them, the girls, and some shitty town to the west of South Park that had quite a lot of campers.

To put it simply, they were outnumbered.

By a lot.

They all crowded together at one of the round tables deciding it was probably best for all of them to stay together and began to eat. They did so in silence, the only sound their chewing and the clinking of silverware. Various conversations were being carried out by the other people eating around them.

"So," Clyde slammed both of his hands on the table, aiming to get everyone's attention. "Guess what I was able to sneak in."

Tolkien groaned. "Clyde, you didn't."

"I've got three bottles of coke in my suitcase," Clyde smirked at everyone around the table. "And, two bottles of vodka."

"Why? " Kyle asked, exasperated.

"To get drunk," Clyde started obviously. "Duh."

"Cool. When are we gonna drink it?" Bebe smiled excitedly. She'd never really had alcohol before, so this felt like a really big step for her.

"We could do it tonight," Clyde began explaining. "I saw a fire pit a little ways away from our cabin. We can make a fire and eat, drink and be merry."

"Aaaannnd, what if we get caught?" Kyle was apparently the only one thinking about this sensibly. "We could get kicked out or something!"

"We won't get caught," Clyde waved this off, as if it was no big deal. "We can do it after lights out. We all fake being asleep and the girls will sneak out, meet us by the fire and BAM! we're in drunk city."

"I really don't think we should do this," Wendy shook her head. "I mean, we could get a fine and our drivers licenses revoked for Christ's sake! All so we can get a little loopy? That is fucking stupid. Drinking underage in general is fucking stupid. I'm not doing it."

"Awh, come on Wendy!" Bebe begged. "Pleeeasee?"


"Will you at least come with us?" Bebe folded her hands together pleadingly. "You don't have yo drink anything! I just want you to be thereeee."

"Fine," Wendy huffed. "But I'm not dealing with all of your drunk asses that night, or your hungover asses in the morning. Got that girls?"

"You've got nothing to worry about!" Nicole flicked her wrist, waving off the matter. "It'll be loads of fun, even if you don't drink any booze."

"Are you gonna drink?" Tolkien asked his girlfriend worriedly.

"Hell yeah I am!" Nicole exclaimed. "I never get to do anything at home. Camp is like an escape from all of that."

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