Chapter 16: Let It Go

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"Who was jacking off in the closet last night?" Clyde set his breakfast tray down on the table with a slight 'bang' noise.

Butters face immeadieatley flushed red. He avoided eye contact as best he could, resting his head on his hand.

"I heard one of you but I don't know who it was," Clyde shook his head with a laugh. "Whoever it was, good job dude. You have mastered the art of the near silent beat. Congratulations."

"I heard it too," Stan admitted.

"Why the closet?" Kyle squinted. "It's so small in there."

Cartman shrugged. "Couldn't be me. I have a little too much dignity to go and jerk off in a closet."

Kenny had a triumphant smirk on his face as he looked over at poor, flustered Butters.

Yeah, Kenny knew it was a bitch move to rile Butters up before bed, but it was fun! He thought it was cute how his ears turned red when you touched his stomach, and how he treated every little kiss like it might not happen again.

Damn, Kenny really scored a good one.

"Let's just drop it," Kyle gestured outwards with his hands. "If it was me, I sure as hell wouldn't want people to be talking about it. That's private stuff and shouldn't be a topic of conversation."

"Oh my god, it was definitely Kyle," Cartman snorted as Kyle's face turned pink.

"Nuh uh!" He shouted, his eyebrows furrowed. "It was not! I said if it was me."

Cartman scoffed, rolling his eyes, "Yeah. Okay Kyle. What got you so excited in the first place?"

"Nothing, Fatass," Kyle hissed. "Because it wasn't me."

"Nah, you were totally whacking your little kosher pickle in the closet," Cartman smirked. He had always enjoyed messing with Kyle and he found it funny how his antics never failed to get to him, regardless of how old or 'mature' he got. "I'll bet a certain someone was touchin' you real nice before bed."

Cartman wiggled his eyebrows and not so subtly flicked his eyes back and forth from Stan to Kyle.

"I'm done with you," Kyle turned away, in hopes to remove himself from the banter.

Butters was instantly relieved when Cartman decided to try and pin this on Kyle. He felt a little bad that his mistake was being made Kyle's, but he really didn't need to give the guys another reason to make fun of him.

"GUYS," Clyde's eyes were wide with excitement. "WE SOULD CALL THE CLOSET THE JACK SHACK."

There was a moment of silence as they all stared at Clyde confusedly.

"Why the hell would we do that?" Tweek tilted his head to the side.

"Because it's fucking hilarious," Clyde snickered.

"Yeah, okay," Kyle nodded, leaning slightly away from Clyde's direction. "Whatever floats your boat buddy."

And Clyde's boat was very much afloat.

The girls had picked a different table from the boys today, seeing as so many of the campers had gone back home.

Speaking of which-

"Are any of you guys gonna leave?" Butters asked nervously, his knuckles rubbing against each other. "To go back home? Because of the-"

"I think we should," Kyle nodded and Stan looked at him with hopeful eyes that Butters thought was really fucking gay.

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