Chapter 15: Touch And Go

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There they are.

Trapped under a rock.

Trapped under a rock together.

Friction at every point their bodies met.

Which was a lot of points, since the space was so small.

Everything was hot; their skin, their breaths, their lingering gazes.

Everything's going great for them. How are you doing?

I bet you're not trapped under a rock with the love of your life.

Kudos to you if you are though.

"Can you uh- scooch over a bit?" Kyle tried not to look directly at Stan, instead opting to face the rock ceiling.

"Are you retarded?" Stan rolled his eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, this isn't the most spacious hiding place. It's not like I can social distance from you right now."

Kyle just clenched his teeth and decided not to retaliate.

He didn't want to make things bad again.

Well, as bad as they were. Not everything was entirely clear to him at the moment.

"Hey Stan?" Kyle poked him in the side with his finger. "Are we okay now?"

Stan was silent and that worried Kyle.

"I think..." Stan paused, contemplating what to say. "I think I might need a bit more time. I don't want to make you feel bad, but what you said really hurt- hurts, and I don't want to rush into how things used to be just yet."

"Are you still mad?"

"A little..." Stan's voice had a touch of sorrow in it, but nothing major. "I'm also kind of sad."

"I'm sorry Stan," Kyle bit his bottom lip.

"That's okay," Stan sighed. "It's good to be sad. It shows that our friendship isn't just blind infatuation."

"..okay.." Kyle didn't really know what Stan was saying, but in his defense, he didn't normally stay up this late, so he was a tad bit disoriented.

There was another silence between the two. Neither knew what to say.

What should I do? Kyle squinted up at the rock above him. Should I do something? Should I d what I want to do? Or should I just not? He said he needed time, so is that-

Kyle trailed off in thought, not noticing the fact that Stan hadn't said anything for a while.

He only acknowledged it when he heard snoring and redirected his gaze towards him.

He was literally just talking, Kyle laughed a little. This dude sure can konk our fast...

I'm the peaceful stillness of the situation, Kyle found himself playing with Stan's hair, sifting through it subtly while his mind hopped all over the place.

He felt something wet on his chest and glanced back down.

Stan was drooling.

Quite a lot actually.

Most people would've found that gross but Kyle thought it was cute.

It meant he was comfortable with him.

Well, I mean, he should be.

They'd been best friends their whole lives.

Kyle giggled to himself at the sheer randomness of this whole situation.

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