Chapter 6: Glow In The Dark Cereal

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Clyde got all the drinks poured out in red solo cups and set them on a stump that served as a table for them.

Everyone just kind of gathered around, looking at them awkwardly.

Everyone wanted to try but no one wanted to start it all.

After a rather prolonged moment of silence, Stan looked at Kenny and nudged him.

"Same time?"

"Sure," Kenny picked up a cup, as did Stan. Stan counted from three down to one on his fingers and when he got to one, they both started chugging. 

The two boys reached the bottom of their cups quite fast, Kenny finishing slightly before Stan.

"YAHTZEE," Kenny yelled breathlessly, slamming his cup onto their makeshift table.

"You're... you're not supposed to chug it..." Clyde trailed off, seeing as it was too late.

"Hmm," Stan looked at his cup with a thoughtful expression. "That was ether the best, or the worst Cuban libre that I have ever had."

"Aren't those normally made with rum?" Kyle tilted his head, lifting one of the cups up slightly. "And lime juice?"

"That's why it might be the worst," Stan nodded to himself. "It might be the best because I like it better this way."

Kyle brought the cup up under his nose and sniffed it. It smelled like hand sanitiser.

He placed the rim of the cup on his lips and took a sip.

It tasted like hand sanitiser too.

"Mm," Kyle hummed in distaste as the liquid burned down his throat.

One by one, the rest of the group grabbed cups and began drinking at different paces, beginning to feel more and more detached by the minute.

After an hour or so of refills and giggles, Tolkien had one, Kyle, Nicole, Cartman and Wendy had had one and a half, Bebe, Butters and Heidi had two, Tweek and Clyde had sucked down three, Craig hadn't even finished one, and Stan and Kenny had drank four fucking drinks.

Let's just say they were all a little tipsy.

And stupid.

Very stupid.

They had brought out a speaker and were playing a giant conjoint playlist they had all made. It was on a fairly low volume so they wouldn't get discovered, but it still set nice undertones for the absolutely horrid conversations that were taking place.

"No, you fuckin' Dumas," Clyde rolled his eyes. "We can't have a female president. Cause she'd like... be too emotional and instead of... focusing on the fuckin' country, she'd focus on the fuckin' feminist movement and shit..."

"That is not how it would work!" Wendy and Clyde were arguing about why women should or shouldn't be placed in positions of power, Eric watching from the background and Clyde, being the wonderful idiot he was, was driving Wendy insane with his flimsy arguments. "England has had a female queen for seventy fucking years before she died! You just can't accept the fact that women will eventually work their way up to where you men got for free, and take all of your jobs!"

"I," Craig started. "Am all for less women."

"That's cause you're gay," Wendy stated. "That doesn't count."

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