Chapter 10: Poker And Apologies

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Roughly an hour passed by of Stan drifting in and out of a shallow sleep before he just said 'fuck it' and decided to act conscious again.

He shifted slightly and opened his eyes. He was further down on the bed, with his chin level with Kenny's belly button and his arms wrapped around his waist.

Kenny had the hood of Butters' hoodie up and had his phone in hand.

Stan wiggled up to where his head was on Kenny's shoulder. He looked at his phone and squinted.

"Is that fucking among us?"

"Yeah," Kenny asnwered. "There a problem with that?"

"What are you, twelve?"

"Say what you what, but the game is fun," Kenny bopped Stan's head with his own. "I take no criticism."


Stan watched Kenny play, until he died and put his phone face down on the blanket. It made a clicking sound as it was turned off.

"How are you feeling?" Kenny asked.

"I'm okay," Stan replied, and he wasn't technically lying. He wasn't in any immediate danger.

And it's not like he was gonna die or something.

He was just a little sad.

And a little sleepy.

And a little achy.

Nothing some Advil couldn't fix.

"Do you..." Kenny nudged Stan slightly. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not right now," Stan shook his head. He really didn't like it when people worried about him. He needed a way to change the subject.

An idea popped into his head and he quickly looked around the room. Everyone else had left and gone off to unknown whereabouts, leaving him and Kenny alone.

"First," Stan smirked deviously. "I wanna know what happened between you and Butters."

"Oh," Kenny laughed, a slight blush on his cheeks. "That."

"Yes, that."

"Well, okay. So," Kenny clapped once, sitting up. "I asked him to follow me to this place in the woods and he did."

Kenny stopped his talking, but Stan was not satisfied with that answer.

"And? " he prodded, shaking Kenny's arm.

"And, what?"

"Did you do the bet thing?" Stan liked this. It kept Kenny preoccupied, no longer worrying as much about Stan and it was quite fun watching Kenny's face as he recalled the night before.

"Little bit," Kenny smiled, playing with the wrist cuffs of the hoodie.

"Was it just a little kiss like;" Stan pecked Kenny swiftly on the lips. Kenny remained unfazed, Seeing as they had practiced kissing with each other at least once. "Or was it like a real kiss, tongue and all?"

"It was a tongue kiss," Kenny had a look of triumph on his face, but his expression still had a hint of giddy and flustered.

"Is Butters a decent kisser?"

"Yeah," Kenny had an almost wistful look on his face. He shook his head swiftly and cleared his throat. "I didn't think I was underestimating him until it actually happened and it just kind of... just wow."

"Did you," Stan gave him a significant look that Kenny didn't understand one bit. "You know."

"Um," Kenny twiddled his thumbs. He was smiling but he looked confused. "Yeah, we made out."

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