Chapter 20: Doctor

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Stan woke up in Kyle's arms for the second time that day.

He should mark today on his calendar.

His head was on Kyle's chest and he was holding onto him with a firm grip.

He was quite comfortable.

He could really see himself waking up like this more often.

He gave a high sigh, enjoying the moment.


Fuck, how did this guy always know?

"Yeah?" Stan said, trying to keep annoyance out of his tone.

"Are you done sleeping?" Kyle's voice was pretty and scratchy and Stan wanted to record it and play it on repeat for hours on end.

"I can be," Stan huffed.

He really didn't feel like being awake.

"Good, because Wendy needs to see us," Kyle's fingers twitched and that's when Stan noticed that Kyle had a hand buried in his hair, scratching mindlessly.

And damn, Stan could get used to constant head scratches as well.

"What does she want?" Stan whined, gripping onto Kyle a little tighter.

"She said something about possibly having an answer on what the thing in the woods is and she wants us four to be the first to share our opinions," Stan felt Kyle shrug. "It's probably for the best to get you out and about. You haven't moved in hours."

"Yeah," Stan sighed and sat up reluctantly. "Probably for the best..."

He swung his arms out in front of him to stretch before raising them high over his head as he arched his back.

His stiff joints popped several times as he did so, due to lack of movement whilst he slept.

He brought his arms back down and blinked slowly, turning back to Kyle.

Kyle had his head propped up on his hand and had a far off look in his eyes as he stared at Stan.

"What the fuck is up with your face?" Stan scoffed.

"Ahh... nothing," Kyle smiled. "It's just fun to watch you."

Stan furrowed his brow and squinted, but didn't say anything.

"That's fuckin' creepy, but whatever," Stan rolled his eyes, sliding out of bed and walking towards the trunk where he kept his clothes.

Stan reached for the bottom hem of his shirt and lifted it off. Kyle slung his forearm over his eyes out of respect.

"After we meet with Wendy and Heidi we should go to the lake," Kyle suggested. "I like swimming and I'm about due for a shower so I'll just shower after the lake."

Stan snorted. "Yeah, you really are due for a shower."

"HEY," Kyle reached behind his head, grabbing Stan's pillow and attempted to throw it at him. He missed drastically, due to the fact that his eyes were still covered.

"Hah! Loser,"Stan laughed.

"I'm a sexy loser," Kyle smirked.

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