Chapter 22: Bulls-eye

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Tweek's hands shook as he pulled the arrow back past his ear. He gripped the bow tightly in his hand.

"Babe, you're gonna end up hitting me if you don't calm yourself down," Craig sat cross legged on the bench to the side of the archery range. "If you can't handle this right now, maybe we should just go back."

"Rghh- I'm sure you'd like that," Tweek said as he let go of the arrow, shooting it across the archery range and hitting within the bullseye and the first row. "You didn't wanna come anyways. You said it was 'too cold' and 'too early'. You can leave if you want but I'm staying."

That was a lie.

There was no way Tweek would stay at the archery range if Craig left.

The archery range surrounded by the woods.

The woods that had a monster in them.

Heh. Yeah.


"Huh uh," Craig hummed, scrolling through his phone. "You're cute and I'm bored. Plus, I'm already awake. There's no reason for me to leave."

"Then stop complaining!" Tweek shouted, loading in another arrow.

Despite his tone, he was really happy that Craig wasn't leaving.

And that Craig thought he was cute.

Which, yeah, of course Tweek knew that Craig thought that.

They had been dating for forever.

But it was nice to hear it sometimes.

"Did you know that Stan and Kyle are happy again?" Craig said, his eyes still on his phone.

"Really? Thank God," Tweek sighed in relief as he shot the arrow. He couldn't help but feel guilty about the whole Stan and Kyle situation. It was his comment that started it and he hadn't been able to sleep well since.

"Mhm. I saw them sleeping together. I think that means everything is fine now," Craig looked up from his phone and saw Tweek's wide eyes that gave off 'what the fucketh' vibes.

"I- guess in some cases people uh- use that as a... way to- patch things up..." Tweek cleared his throat awkwardly. "But did they do it in the cabin? With everyone else in there-?"

Craig realised his mistake and his eyes widened as well as he rushed to fix it.

"Not like- like..." he cleared his throat. "They didn't fuck. They slept in the same bed. That's what I meant."

"Oh," Tweek scratched his head, turning away from Craig. "I guess- yeah. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense."

"Yeah," Craig nodded.

There was an awkward silence that followed.

"I'm glad they're back to being chill," Craig said. "It kinda sets a weird feeling in the air when they're pissed at each other. It's quite annoying."

"Mhm..." Tweek wasn't paying Craig much attention while he drew back another arrow.

"I'm glad we're fine," Craig propped his head up on his hand. "I don't know what I'd do if you were mad at me. You're kinda really important to me."

Tweek released his arrow and smiled back at him.

"Thanks Craig."

* * *

"No way am I getting in that water," Stan shouted at Kyle who was already knee deep. "It's fucking freezing!"

"Oh, calm down," Kyle rolled his eyes. "It's not that cold."

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