Chapter 7: Commitment

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"How'd you figure out how to get here on foot?" Butters glanced around slowly. The moon glistened along the still waters of the lake.

"I went exploring during dead hour," Kenny shifted on his feet. 'Dead hour' was the one hour of the day where there were no activities and you were free to do what you wished.

The two boys stood there awkwardly, gazing out along the surface of the water. The summer air was pleasantly warm on their skin.

Kenny walked slowly over to an exposed stretch of white sand to the right of the log they had rested on the day before. He sat down with a 'whump' sound.

Butters didn't really know hat to do, so he just sat down next to him, his legs bent at the knee.

They sat in silence. Butters was looking at the sky and Kenny was looking up at Butters.

"You're so pretty," he said With a wistful sigh.

"Huh?" Butters cocked an eyebrow, turning towards Kenny.

"I told you you were pretty."

"Oh," Butters smiled dopily. "That's real sweet of you Kenny. I think you're pret-pretty pretty yourself."

"Mm," Kenny hummed in response.

The silence dragged on.

"Can I kiss you?"

Butters snapped his head at a neck-breaking speed towards Kenny.


"Can I kiss you?" Kenny asked again. He thought for a moment before adding; "please."

"Do you actually want to?" Butters was leaning forward with wide-eyes, praying that this wasn't just som drunken accident.

Kenny didn't respond, wich made Butters nervous and disappointed. What was he thinking anyways? That Kenny, of all people would want to kiss him? The audacity. Why, Butters oughta-

Butters was startled when he felt a soft pair of lips on his, lingering there momentarily before pulling back off.

Butters was staring at Kenny wide-eyed, a harsh blush on his cheeks. He couldn't move. He couldn't talk. All he could do was stare.

"Oh shit," Kenny giggled. "I fucking broke Butters."

Now it was Butters' turn to stay unresponsive. A panicked feeling rose to the back of Kenny's throat.

"Ah, fuck, did I read that situation right..?" He asked nervously. "Did I ruin something?"

Kenny was mumbling curses repeatedly under his breath as he tried his best to make sense of the situation.

He kissed Butters.

Butters maybe liked it.

Butters wasn't speaking to him.

In conclusion, Kenny was screwed.

And not in the good way.

"Can we do that again?!" Butters damn near shouted, finally mustering up enough brain capacity to speak.

"..." Kenny squinted at him. "Really? "

"Re-really what?"

"You wanna do it again?" Kenny tried not to let any excitement spill into his voice, or his expression as he spoke.

"I-if that would be oka-"

Kenny kissed him again, cutting him off.

"That would be very okay," Kenny wrapped his arms around Butters' neck, giggling.

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