Chapter 8: Trust Me, It Gets Worse

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Butters woke up and everything was warm.

His head felt warm.

His arms felt warm.

His legs felt warm.

His shut eyelids felt warm.

And best if all, there was a sizeable ball of warmth that he could feel between his legs and along his torso.

Butters, still refusing to open his eyes, stretched his tired muscles. He wasn't very conscious as of that moment, so he got a few more minutes to just enjoy the heat.

Butters went to rest his hands on his stomach, but instead of his hands coming into contact with the thin fabric of his shirt, they were met with hair.


Butters lifted his hands and then set them down again.


Definitely not his T-shirt.

The more conscious thoughts Butters had, the more awake he slowly became.

He was now aware that the ball of warmth on top of him was heavy. Not so heavy he couldn't breath, but heavy enough that it was in fact, not his blanket.

Butters could see through his eyelids. That meant that there was a significant light source.

He slowly opened his eyes, expecting to be met, maybe with an over-excited lightbulb, but instead, he saw a vast expanse of blue sky and the sun.

The fucking. Sun.

From its position in the sky, it seemed to be about ten. Maybe closer to nine or eleven.

Butters wasn't really all that sure.

What the hell happened?

Butters look down and saw Kenny's head on his stomach, his legs straddling Butters. His arms wrapped around Butters' as he snored softly. Butters noted fondly, that Kenny was still wearing his hoodie.

As he looked down at the sleeping boy before him, aaall the memories from the night before came flooding back.

They kissed.

Quite a lot actually.

A panic started to rise in the back of his mind.

Shoot, we fell asleep, Butters fretted. What if the others are worried about us? That would really suck. Explaining what happened would suck much, much, more though...

He decided to wake Kenny up. Partially because he wanted his help with figuring out what they were gonna say, and partially because he liked talking to him.

"Keeenny," Butters wiggled shook the sleeping boy's shoulder back and forth. "Kenny."

He snorted, but didn't wake up, instead he just nuzzled deeper into Butters.

"Ken," Butters sighed. Second morning in a row. How lucky was he. "Can you please wake up Kenny?"

"Nnnnngh," Kenny's brow furrowed.

Butters began rubbing up and down his back soothingly, switching away from aggressively waking him up, opting instead, to lull him awake slowly and calmly.


Butters hooked his hands under Kenny's shoulders and lifted him up and onto his chest.

The little fucker was still sleeping.

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