Chapter 18: What Do You Know?

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The rest of the day was slow and exhausting.

Stan didn't do anything.

But he was still tired.

He felt he was slowly removing his tethers from what little sanity he had left. He always felt foggy and anxious and paranoid. He jumped at even the littlest of noises, his hearing heightened due to the constant fear of hearing those sickening screams again.

He didn't do much. He tried and failed to sleep again. He hung out with Kenny a little bit but for the most part, he just sat alone, worrying.

Inside of course. He wouldn't go outside alone; especially considering what had been going on.

At around four or five, his phone pinged and he lifted the glowing screen towards his face, squinting his eyes at the sudden light.

He normally had his phone at the lowest brightness setting but Kenny had used his phone earlier and had cranked it up all the fucking way because he 'didn't want to miss any colors'.

He fiddled with it for a second, turning the brightness down and then he checked the notification.

She was asking for him to get Kyle, Clyde and Butters and bring them all over.

Which, shouldn't be a problem.

But it was a little bit.

I'll just have Butters get Kyle, Stan shook his head, standing from his bed and walking outside towards the picnic table Clyde said he would be starting another poker match earlier.

Lucky for Stan, he caught them right as the game ended. He walked up and loomed ominously for a second before drumming on Butters head to get his attention.

"Hey Stan!" Butters smiled up at him, tilting his head back.

"Hey Butters," Stan didn't pay him much mind. He was busy seeing who all was playing.

Kyle was there.

Clyde was too.


Kenny and Bebe were also engaging in the activities of the table, although Bebe seemed to have an air of sadness surrounding her.

Stan didn't pay much mind to it, seeing as that wasn't his set task at the moment.

"Wendy needs to talk to us," he pointed to the three others she needed. "I don't know what about but she told me about it in advance so I'm assuming it's probably important."

"Okay," Kyle stood up, apparently in no need of more convincing.

Butters was more reluctant to stand up. He had Kenny beside him, his head rested on Butters' shoulder and Kenny's legs were slung across his lap. He was quite happy and didn't particularly feel like leaving his boyfriend to go talk to people.

That did not sound pleasurable at all.

He quite enjoyed being Kenny's arm candy, staring at him intently while he played poker and Butters watched.

"Can Kenny come too?" Butters looked from Stan to Kenny and back again. Despite the fact that they were together, he also just liked having Kenny places. The others weren't as mean as they used to be, but enough that he liked having a sort of ally on his side.

"I mean," Stan placed a hand on his hip. The other held his phone as he reread the message he'd received earlier. "Wendy didn't say any other people couldn't come."

"Butters, it's fine," Kenny nuzzled his shoulder. "I'll be here when you get back. It's not like I'm just going to disappear into thin air. We can hang out when you get back."

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