Chapter 2: Craig And Those Guys

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"Enjoy your stay kids!" The bus driver yelled as they all piled out of the bus.

Stan hopped off the last step of the bus and looked around.

To his right, he could see cabins and twisting trails and picnic tables. Beyond all that was a lake, glistening in the sunlight.

Trees were everywhere, as far as the eye could see. He did a steppy spin to get a good look at his surroundings.

"It's gorgeous out here, isn't it?" Kyle asked breathlessly, gazing around beside Stan. He clutched the plastic gas station bag in one hand, the other pushing his hair out of his face.

"It really is," Stan nodded, looking down at Kyle's hand. "What's in the bag? I thought you gave all the snacks away."

"Ah," Kyle jumped slightly and looked down at the bag, his eyes wide. "It's just stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Stan was curious now. What would Kyle be hiding from him? They were best friends! They told each other everything!

"I don't need to tell you everything," Kyle scoffed. A nervous expression had made its way onto his face and he was refusing to make eye contact. "C'mon, lets go find Kenny!"

Stan stood for a second, watching as Kyle rushed off into the crowd.

What the fuck was in that bag? He wondered, walking off in the general direction Kyle had abandoned him in.

While he was looking for his friends, someone slung an arm around his shoulder and pulled him forcefully away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

"Stan!" Clyde exclaimed happily, tightening his grip on him affectionately. "Are you ready?"

Cause this shits about to get heavy... Stan unconsciously continued in his head. He smiled. "Ready for what?"

Stan looked around. He had been pulled into a kind of circle with Tolkien, Tweek, Craig, and Clyde.

"Well," Clyde gave him a devious smirk. "We, my good sir, are going to be living in cabins for the next few weeks."

"I am aware."

"Guess who's also living in cabins?" Clyde released Stan from his grip. "Extremely close to ours?"

"Barney?" Stan replied in a sarcastic tone.

"The girls."

Stan thought for a moment.

"So..? "

"Dude!" Clyde exclaimed. "Don't you wanna... 'patch things up' with Wendy?"

"Uhhh, no," Stan squinted. "We broke up on good terms. And we hang out all the time."

"What I mean, is like-"

"Shut up Clyde, he doesn't like Wendy anymore," Tolkien said, distractedly. "He doesn't want to date her anymore, let alone sleep with her."

"Aw, sick dude!" Stan grimaced shoving Clyde away.

Clyde began laughing and Stan looked at Tolkien. His eyes were fixated on the driveway to get into the parking lot and he was tapping his hand against his thigh repeatedly. He looked anxious.

"What're you looking for budd-" Stan trailed off when a shiny navy blue Honda pulled into the parking lot. Tolkien made an excited yelp kind of noise and ran off into the dirt parking lot to greet it.

He was about halfway there when the car came to a stop and out of the passenger door came Nichole, who had already spotted Tolkien and began running towards him as well.

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